Tag: Cognitive Functions

  • The Sixteen Intelligences

    Howard Gardner believed every person had a unique intelligence. Carl Jung believed everyone used different cognitive functions. Everyone has an archetype or an identity that means something very important to them. What’s your #flowcode? The Observers Introverted iNtuition is the primary function we use to imagine and conceptualise our thoughts and novel thoughts. Introverted Sensing knows…

  • What Are The Eight Intelligences?

    What are the eight intelligences? Don’t think for a second that you’re not intelligent. Truth is, everyone is differently intelligent. The eight intelligences define your two biggest, most positive gifts to the world, highlighting the marvellous fact that people think and see the world differently. The Neojungian Eight Intelligences are an elegant and simple solution…

  • The Magic Behind Your Mind

    Every function has its hidden logic and its hidden answers. There may be an answer to any and all questions of how the human mind works. But sometimes it’s hard not to call it magic. So here it is: the magic behind your mind. Take a moment to read about your mind and your hidden…

  • Ten Gifts Of Introverted Thinkers

    I wanted to write a post outlining ten of the core gifts of introverted thinkers. I write because I find that there are many stereotypes and generic statements about introverted thinkers that lack scientific validity and meaningfulness. People often describe introverted thinkers as bright, gifted, and genius level thinkers. Well, that’s just not true. Not that…

  • Ten Gifts Of Extroverted Feelers

    What are the gifts of extroverted feelers? Perhaps the biggest misconception is that an EXFJ is an irrational type. No, feeling is a very rational function. Extroverted feeling is a symbolical, story-based way of understanding and managing your environment. Extroverted feelers feel an instinct to express themselves around others. Read more about it here. An…

  • Ten Gifts Of Extroverted Thinkers

    The Gifts Of Extroverted Thinkers Extroverted thinking is sometimes confused to be 1. Lacking in analytical thought, or 2. Lacking in people skills. On the contrary! Extroverted thinking is a technical, rule and system-based method of studying and understanding people and dynamics. What does that mean? We have a post that discusses extroverted thinking here. Let’s discover…

  • Ten Gifts Of Intuitive Extroverts (ENXX)

    What are the gifts of Intuitive extroverts? (ENXX) At Neojungian Academy, we call intuitive extroverts The Detectives. The reason we see you so differently is because we realize intuition is a deeply interpretative process that requires high analytical skills. Often, ENXX types are far more introverted than they are recognized as. Intuition requires subtlety, peace, quiet,…

  • Ten Gifts Of Intuitive Introverts

    The ten gifts of intuitive introverts (INXXs) There are many gifts of intuitive introverts. But the gifts of intuitive introverts may not be what you think they are. There is nothing magical about them. Far from the mystical complex it is often portrayed as, a hidden logic is behind intuitive introverts’ abilities. Sometimes the definitions of…

  • Ten Gifts Of Introverted Feelers

    What are the gifts of introverted feelers? (XXFPs) At Neojungian Academy, we want to show that the gifts of introverted feelers are more than previously believed. We have extended the description of introverted feeling to go deeper than on any other website. We did this because we noticed a lot of people confuse introverted intuition with…

  • Extroverted feeling and extroverted thinking

    Meet the executives Extroverted feeling and extroverted thinking can be described as two strong and direct forms of influence. Both are executive functions. They put goals into practice. These types make projects happen. They put teams together. And they get people to cooperate to a goal. And when necessary, they get rid of people and…