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Ten Gifts Of Intuitive Introverts

Ten Gifts Of Introverted Intuitives

logomakr_5paja3The ten gifts of intuitive introverts (INXXs)

There are many gifts of intuitive introverts. But the gifts of intuitive introverts may not be what you think they are. There is nothing magical about them. Far from the mystical complex it is often portrayed as, a hidden logic is behind intuitive introverts’ abilities. Sometimes the definitions of extroverted and intuitive introversion leave you too confused to tell which function you use the most. We are not here to talk about intuitive introversion. We are here to talk about intuitive introverts: INFJs, INTJs, INFPs, and INTPs. These are ten gifts of the four INXX types.
First of all, how should intuitive introversion be defined? Perhaps it’s best described as an associative worldview map, your information about the world and how it looks and is organized. Intuitive introversion is the ability to make theories about what you don’t know by running simulations on information. Learn more about intuitive introversion here.
Here are the ten gifts of intuitive introversion:

1. Detachment

Total, brief liberation from your body and your five senses. The more you develop existential intelligence, the more you can experience this state. Lots of INXXs practice meditation, clearing their mind, and controlling their thoughts. This can be important because sensory unbalance and sensory overwhelm can easily put this type off its centre. Just as philosophers can imagine a model, intuitive introversion can also imagine nothingness and a world completely blank. Ideally, detachment is important to use intuitive introversion fully, because philosophers do badly at active thinking, but greatly at inactive, silent musing in the backs of their heads. The more cluttered their minds are, the worse they function!

2. Innervision

Design theoretical models of the world and of life inside your own mind. Perhaps a model of space, or of a system, or of a scientific theory. Overall, existential intelligence works better the less you try to actively control it. What’s more? Intuitive introversion works associatively and memorizes and captures information and concrete observations to study them in great nuance and depth. Generally, this memorization is completely sensory based, and unemotional. The concepts are visual, sensory, smell, touch, and taste based.

Introverted intuition is alot like cooking data.
Intuitive introversion is a lot like cooking data.

3. Synthesis

Process high amounts of sensory information by running them through your simulations. How will a pattern develop over a longer time? What will happen if you you make a change in something? The process of synthesizing information can be described as the same process as when you’re cooking something. You’re imagining yourself in front of a pot and you’re seeing how the pot transforms depending on what ingredients you add in which order, and in which quantity.

4. Prediction & Speculation

Use your models to run simulations about how the world will progress and develop. These models can run any kind of data. You can figure out how long pasta needs to boil, or who may win the presidential election, by simply projecting based on the data available. Intuitive introverts can have a theory about everything, but running a projection can take some time. The more complex the theory, the harder it can take to analyze all the data.

5. Conceptualization & Insight

Create concepts to describe and organize your models. Philosopher types (XNXJs) come up with concepts that can help them organize the data they observe. They do this through subjective associative memorizing – that’s when you come up with, from nowhere, a concept that fits with the data you’re observing. Furthermore, if we return to the cooking metaphor, the concept is the “recipe”, the name of the new meal you came up with. The insight is the *ping* once a model has finished running. You’ve been musing on something in silence and it’s been running in the back of your mind. But now it’s done! The insight has arrived! The model came out positive, congratulations.

6. Vision based composure

Act and move guided by your vision or your idea. INXXs can remain in tune with their vision as they move forward, tuning out from the world as it is, unshaken. By holding their vision in their head while they move forward, they can shield themselves from the world and from distractions that could distort their cause or ideal. This can be used to endure difficult conditions or to maintain focus on a goal even when everyone around you is against it.


7. See in the dark

Intuitive introverts see the best when in the dark. They are the best at dealing with information we are completely unaware of. They are usually the theorists in science that come up with the more grand and intricate models. INXXs are often philosophers. And the whole goal is to learn to make sense of the unknown. The less people know about something, the more useful introverted intuition is. The more people know for certain about something, the less useful existential intelligence becomes.

8. Make sense of the incomprehensible

In times of difficulty, when everything is working against you, and everything appears blocked, philosophers can see a way forward. So in times of difficulty, war, conflict, philosophers can try to come up with an explanation or a system to solve the problem. Perhaps there is a theory that can explain what went wrong, or how to cope with it. Or maybe there’s a system that could prevent this in the future?

Doctor Strange paints a good picture of introverted intuition and how it can imagine reality.
Doctor Strange paints a good picture of intuitive introversion and how it can imagine multiple possible realities.

9. Bend the laws of reality

Because philosophers can do projections on reality, it can also see what is theoretically possible. Is it theoretically possible to run faster than the world record, and how would I have to run to beat the world champion? What would I envision myself having to do to get past this boundary? Philosophy works within the laws of reality, but it can use envisioning to dance on the boundaries of what is possible and what is impossible. “That is impossible”, people may tell you. But you have seen that it is possible, and if you can envision it, it must be possible.

10. Adapting the theory

All the data that you’ve added in the model can be subject to changes and alterations. You should constantly readjust the equation and the theory as you go. Extroverted sensing can help you gather new data to run projections on. If you encounter problems in reality or if some data in your model is off, update it! Fix what’s wrong, and make sure your worldview is clear and in touch with reality.
These are the ten gifts of intuitive introverts. The more you develop your intuition, the more you can use the gifts of intuitive introverts with depth and precision.


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