Category: INTP

  • INFP or INTP Personality Type

    INFP or INTP Personality Type? Discover Which One You Are Now

  • INTP vs INTJ

    Are you an INTP or an INTJ? This article will help.

  • How To Be Less Lazy, Based On Your Myers Briggs Personality Type

    We all experience periods of low energy, procrastination, and lack of motivation, but it’s important to remember that no personality type is inherently lazy. Instead, we are all driven by different motivations, and understanding our Myers Briggs personality type can help us identify our unique strengths and weaknesses. By focusing on our strengths and finding…

  • INTP Relationships – What INTPs Find Attractive

    The INTP personality type is often going to seek a partner that will share similar interests and values while at the same time challenging you and helping you to grow in some aspect. Different INTPs look for different things. Often, we inherit our ideas about the ideal partner from our parents, and perhaps also from…

  • Are INFPs and INTPs More iNtuitive Than We Think?

    In my research of these two types I have found out something incredibly strange. INFPs and INTPs tend to test out as strong in both Extroverted and Introverted iNtuition. But what does this mean? While INFJs and INTJs tend to have a strong preference for Introverted iNtuition, and ENTPs and ENFPs tend to have a…

  • When INTPs Outsmart INTJs

    There are certain situations where it is better to be an INTP than an INTJ. Now, if you’re an INTJ, you can build around these situations. If you’re an INTP, you can learn to use these situations where INTPs outsmart INTJs to get you ahead when you need to. When the rules have changed. (TP)…

  • Common INTP Emotional Needs

    INTPs distinguish themselves by having amongst the most repressed social emotions, but do not mistake them for robots. There are many INTP emotional needs. On a universal level, INTPs just like all of us need happiness, love, security, and confidence. On a personal level, INTPs love the experience of being right, of mastering a new…

  • Misconceptions of INTP Laziness

    [embedyt][/embedyt] There are a lot of stereotypes about INTP laziness out there. There are a lot of people, teachers, parents, and bosses that would want to rush the INTP, but I would advice you not to. And there are things you can do to improve INTP productiveness and to ensure they do their best, but…