Home | When INTPs Outsmart INTJs

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

When INTPs Outsmart INTJs

There are certain situations where it is better to be an INTP than an INTJ. Now, if you’re an INTJ, you can build around these situations. If you’re an INTP, you can learn to use these situations where INTPs outsmart INTJs to get you ahead when you need to.

  1. When the rules have changed. (TP)

INTPs are more perceptive to rule changes and sudden changes in the system. INTJs often feel stressed, and sometimes even ashamed for their inability to stay on top of the game. But INTPs know how to keep up the count and to notice when something that used to work has stopped working. INTPs excel at hand-customised solutions and to finding ways to adjust a tool to ensure it’s efficient in more scenarios. An INTJ would rather avoid adding excess functions and buttons and will try to keep a clean “one-size-fits-all” size. But INTJ, sometimes these extra features can be what makes or defines your product, so don’t be afraid to consider it once in a while. 
2. When a situation can’t be predicted. (NP)
INTPs will do better in chaotic environments with a lot of factors to think of on the fly. When a speculation turns out to be false, the INTP will just adjust and come up with a counter-solution that works for the moment. The INTP has no troubles considering all the options and does not get as dizzy when things are being changed around.
An INTJ can feel scared of situations like these, and will rather avoid these situations outright. As an INTJ, it can be easy to focus on simply using your predictive powers to understand the past or what is, but your predictive intuition only becomes truly masterful when you can also use it to understand future possibilities and emerging change. Yes, once in a while, that crazy hypothetical scenario the INTP has run by you actually comes to pass. Then the INTP will arrogantly says “I told you so.” and yeah, that sucks. Don’t let it happen to you. ๐Ÿ˜‰ 
3. When having an argument with someone (FJ)
Generally, INTJs just want to rush to a solution in times of argument. The most efficient way to put an end to a discussion, or to move around with it. This can lead to just ending a discussion early or rushing to the wrong or to a shallow conclusion about what the argument was all about. INTPs are generally better at mustering some energy and stress into finding a peaceful resolution and to restoring balance between you and the person you argued with. But INTPs are highly dispassionate when managing people, and this can at times get them to be perceived as cold, which can build up the block for new arguments, and new arguments, and new arguments. Try to instead find a good resolution with your thinking and perceiving when you can.
4. When organising your physical surroundings (SJ)
When necessary, and okay, let’s admit it, INTPs, you usually hate this. But when necessary, INTPs tend to know how to manage their physical surroundings. This includes organising your movies in alphabetic order or detailing out a plan for a trip or letting someone know when they are at risk of hurting themselves or walking into a table.. Sensing and judging also gives the INTP, if they want, the ability to do better at proper etiquette, sense of tradition, and taking time to dress in proper style and fashion. This can even help INTPs succeed as models beyond also helping them to blend in more easily, though it does still stress you out, so be careful to not exaggerate your use of it. And as an INTJ, don’t fret, one of the best things about you is your ability to step outside the norms and to walk with determination where no person has gone before.


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