Home | Personality Profiling Quiz #1

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

Personality Profiling Quiz #1

Personality Profiling Quiz #1

Answers are released and discussed 21st of june 14.00 on youtube and in a followup post on the website.

Level: Beginner Topic: Personality Profiling Date: 14 June – 21 June

The goal of this quiz is to become more confident in understanding friends and family members. It is not just about knowing what type another person is, but how that person expresses said type and what that type means to them. We’re often in a rush to know what type another person is, but true understanding requires you to also know why a person is the type they are, and what that means to them.

Basic overview

The primary aim of this quiz is to introduce you to Neojungian theory and application and to introduce a new method that you can use to type and study your friends and family members.

Using the list below, check in and mark when a person you observe appears to show more of the traits on the left or the traits on the right.
I also encourage you to rate your own confidence in this decision, purely for your own sake. With what confidence can you nail down each individual letter? A 1 would indicate that you have no confidence that you are right, where a 5 would indicate that you have some confidence, and a 10 would indicate high confidence. Aim to increase your confidence as high as ย possible.

Traits Confidence rating
Introverted or extraverted
  • The introvert speaks calmly about themselves and their inner world.
  • The introvert appears to become calmer when they can think about or reflect on their experience.
  • The person seems to doubt outside information and needs to double check itโ€™s validity.
  • The extravert speaks confidently about the world around them and about new information.
  • The extravert appears calmer when they can get clear answers and information from their surroundings.
  • The person seems to doubt theoretical or outdated information and needs to double-check it in the real world.
Intuitive or Sensing
  • The intuitive takes fun and energy from abstract ideas and hypotheticals.
  • The intuitive speaks with energy and enthusiasm about abstract interests.
  • And the intuitive appears drained by the thought of taking practical action to accomplish a task.
  • The sensing person appears to enjoy concrete and practical action and steps in the moment towards something.
  • The sensor seems the most energetic when they can speak about real things and experiences.
  • The sensor you study seems to feel bored by the thought of speculation or creative exercises with no end goal.
Feeling or Thinking
  • The feeler seems the most motivated when telling their story or expressing their identity and who they are.
  • The feeling type is more concerned and careful with emotional and social actions.
  • The feeling type is more sloppy in mechanical and work-related situations and more likely to make mistakes.
  • The thinker seems the most motivated when they can accomplish results and gather data or knowledge on a topic.
  • The thinker is more careful and meticulous with facts, data, and knowledge.
  • The thinking type is more sloppy in social situations and more likely to make mistakes.
Judging or Perceiving
  • The judging type experiences relief when they have an overview or a general understanding or strategy for a situation.
  • The judging type becomes more relieved when they can organise and structure their environment or their thoughts.
  • A judging type appears more tense when they must respond to unexpected conflicts and when order is disrupted somehow.
  • The perceiving type seems relieved by spotting new opportunities, ideas, or events, and by taking new action to pursue said events.
  • The perceiving type appears the most relaxed when they can act freely and make changes in the moment.
  • A perceiving type appears more tense when they must adhere to a careful order or discipline themselves in some way.

Extra credits: Subtype
Often, a person will have some of the traits associated with a certain type, but not all. One or two functions will be more difficult to spot, as theyโ€™re less developed in the individual person.

Steadiness or Determination
  • The person appears to be highly secure in themselves and at peace with life.
  • They seem to be able to adjust to and to accept changes without making any complaints.
  • The person spends time making sense of and understanding the world.
  • The person appears to be highly determined and decisive.
  • They appear to be in a state of conflict with the world or with a person or thing.
  • The person spends time making decisions and taking action to change their life.
Openness or Conscientiousness
  • The open person seems to accept new ideas and possibilities and will consider new alternatives.
  • An open person seems to be able to quickly accept ideas that seemingly go against their current values or opinions.
  • The open person appears to struggle with hard work and to stand up for and to truly believe in anything.
  • The conscientious person appears to take time to consider an idea to make sure it is right first.
  • The conscientious person seems morally or rationally upstanding, a hard worker, and someone to count on.
  • And the conscientious person appears narrow-minded and closed to new ideas and new possibilities.

Subtype is often decided based on a persons most visible function.
Study the people in the list below and determine their personality type by using the checklists above. Extra credits: You can also try to determine the personโ€™s subtype.
Go through each celebrity using the checklist above to try to nail down what their flow type is.

Taylor Schilling Orange is The New Black
Dylan Minnette 13 Reasons Why
Viola Davis How To Get Away With Murder
Theresa May Tories Prime Minister, United Kingdom
Jeremy Corbyn Labour candidate
John McCain Republican former candidate for president
Mads Mikkelsen Danish actor, Hannibal
Ian Whyte Game of Thrones actor


  1. Does Schilling smile more with her cheeks (J) or with her jaws (P)? Compare with Ellen Degeneres for contrast.
  2. Christian Navarro is most likely an ENFJ. How does Dylan Minnette come across relative to Christian?
  3. How much emotion does Viola Davis face and particularly her cheeks convey?
  4. Does Theresa May strike you as a cunning person? (NJ)
  5. Introverted and thinking (IXTX) types have warm cheeks, but their desire to stay rational tends to make them appear like theyโ€™re somewhat โ€œfighting offโ€ a blush. Is this visible in Corbyn?
  6. If there was one key difference between McCain and Corbyn, what would that difference be?
  7. In Mads Mikkelsen, there are not a lot of facial expressions. What does a lack of visible facial expressions and emotion and affection indicate?
  8. Which types tend to appear, from a positive view, smart and tactical, but more negatively, arrogant and sure of themselves?

Answers to these questions can be posted here.


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