Category: INFJ

  • INFJ vs INFP – The Guides

    INFJ Personality Type Description INFP Personality Type Description INFJ vs INFP A lot of people struggle to tell apart INFJs from INFPs. To know your type, you have to understand your nature, who you are when in a state of flow. Who you could be at your best. The quest to find your type is…

  • INFJ vs INTJ – The Wanderers

    INFJ Personality Type INTJ Personality Type INFJ vs INTJ INFJ vs INTJ – what is the difference? Well, here’s some things that I’ve come to learn.  Ambition vs Kindness An ambition is a conception of something you want to achieve, it’s an aim, an objective goal that you want to set out to reach. INFJs…

  • The Twelve INFJ Traumas

    Preorder the INFJ Handbook Preorder goal Preorders 5% These are all excerpts from my upcoming INFJ handbook. We all carry traumas. Some we were born with – inherited from our parents. Some happened early in life. Some later. Some just recently. Some minor ones occured just the other day. (You know, when you forgot to…

  • Accepting and trusting your voice as an INFJ

    INFJs tend to have a high symbolical importance in the world. Its not because of how we dress, not because of what we earn, and not for having a lot of political power, but it is because of our ideas. As NFs we are frontrunners, visionaries of change. We use our power to channel ideas…

  • Four Fields Where INFPs Outsmart INFJs

    INFPs are underrated superstars. They’re often at the centre of every cultural discussion. People love to talk about INFPs, how they dress, their ethics, and their beliefs. Everyone is fascinated by their dietary choices, how they live, and their unique self-expression. You see them in academia, studying various groups, religions, ideas, and communities. They are…

  • Ten Reasons You Need An INFJ Friend In Your Life

    Okay, we’re apparently rare as fuck, at least if you trust American self-reporting statistics. (Okay, why would anyone trust those statistics? Well, I guess people do. Numbers tend to confuse people.) Yeah, you need us. Here’s why. Ten reasons you need an INFJ friend in your life. 1. We get you. No explanations are necessary…

  • INXJ – Are INFJs and INTJs secretive?

    I think there is a common misconception that INFJs and INTJs intentionally withhold information from others, when in fact, most of the time, it is that INFJs and INTJs spend a longer time to search for information and to double check if information is true. Check the video on INFJ and INTJs secretiveness now! Dealing…

  • Ten INFJ Truths

    I wanted to make a more personal video discussing INFJs as I see them and things I’ve noticed about them. It’s a more personal perspective on the ten infj truths, so take this from my own perspective. While theory and scientific support is really important, it’s also important to have a personal understanding of things.…

  • The Difference Between Intelligence And Intuition

    Let me tell you about a huge, huge mistake that people make when they’re learning to type others. Because too many get caught up in people’s intelligence, social competence, and empathy. Are you going to be a judge for people’s skills or are you going to type based on people’s identity or behavior? I have…

  • The Four INFJ Subtypes

    I want to show that the INFJ personality types are less rare and more varied than people think. There are more than four INFJ subtypes, but I don’t want to get too complicated right now. This is because the INFJ description often is written for a type with unusually high emotional intelligence. Many of the…