Home | Frequently asked questions about Introversion

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

Frequently asked questions about Introversion

What is Introversion?

Introversion can be divided into four key traits: Modesty, Precision, Independence and Stability. Introverts prefer the inner world of thoughts, emotions and their own imagination over the outer world. They are generally known for their calm and introspective personalities. So what can you learn about introversion? Let’s explore the introversion definition and introversion meaning.

The Introversion definition: An introvert is a person that prefers to act in a more slow-paced, independent, and consistent manner, acting in a modest and precise way, compared to an extrovert.

First of all, introverts are known for their high calm, focus, and tend to be more emotionally stable and balanced. They excel in one-on-one conversations and small group settings, but also perform exceptionally well completely on their own. While introverts get more energy by being by themselves, and spend energy in social settings, introverts can be extroverted for small social bursts of time. Introverts can also be fully comfortable in social settings and large groups, but only if they manage their boundaries effectively, by allowing themselves to have frequent breaks, allowing themselves to act more as listeners, and prevent being drained by social pressure and expectations.

You don’t have to be an extrovert

Yeah, you don’t have to be the most fun, engaging or active person all the time. Introverts shine when they can have time to complete their sentence, to think before they speak, and to listen and observe before they act. It’s not that introverts can’t extrovert, it’s that they need to balance and meet their introverted needs before they can engage with the world in a more extroverted way.

The Introverted Spectrum

Introversion is a spectrum, and there are many types of introverts. Introversion is not the same as being emotionally introverted, because you feel bad or depressed. And even extroverts can become more introverted when sad. Introverts can feel completely happy and positive even when spending long amounts of time by themselves. You’ll find that there are more or less introverted people, and that some introverts are going to be more introverted than others. But as long as you are more introverted on average, than the average person, you’ll still be an introvert. Being an introvert is not like the olympics, and you don’t have to be a top performer to be considered an introvert.

Frequently asked questions about Introversion

Can an extrovert become an introvert?

While you might be able to become slightly more introverted with age, in general, people don’t tend to change their personality drastically, except in the case of major trauma. And in general, most people have a healthy preference for one trait over the other. Ask yourself if you became more introverted for healthy reasons, and if you feel better being that way, or if you were happier when you were more outgoing. While Extroverts might switch to an introverted strategy due to stress or poor emotional well-being, healthy extroverts tend to be more assertive, initiative taking, collaborative and adaptable in general.

How to know if you’re an introvert

Test out if you have an introverted preference by spending a week living in a more introverted manner, focusing more on alone time, introspection. Speak more carefully and calmly about topics, and walk and talk in a slower pace. Spend more time working on things on your own before you talk about it with others, and try to be more consistent in your habits and day to day activities. Then journal at the end of every day, and ask yourself how you feel when you engage in these activities.

How to become an introvert

You can’t become an introvert, barring major life trauma, but you can certainly become more introverted! Try to practice setting aside more time for yourself, and prioritize your personal health and well being more. Spend more time in quiet with less distractions and external stimulation. And try to slow down the pace in how you live your life. Reflect to ensure that your actions are healthy and feel positive. Being more introverted can be very balancing for an extrovert, when done right.

How to be less introverted

If you find yourself being too introverted and would like to be more outgoing, first of all, ask yourself why you feel that way. It’s completely okay to be an introvert, and introversion is a neutral personality trait, that can have many advantages in life. Second of all, find ways to be comfortably introverted, even in social settings. Many introverts feel pressure in social settings to be more loud, more passionate, more fast-paced, and more energetic. But it’s also okay to be an introvert in group settings. Don’t pressure yourself to be too engaged with what’s happening around you, and learn to engage in social settings in a comfortable way. For example, it’s okay to listen more than you talk, and to take time before you speak.

Personality TraitDescription
IntroversionCharacterized by a focus on internal thoughts, feelings, and moods rather than seeking external stimulation.
ExtroversionOutgoing and thrive in social environments, enjoy interacting with the world around them.
IntuitionPrefers abstract concepts and theories, comfortable with ambiguous or undefined situations.
SensingValues concrete facts and details, tends to focus on the here and now.
FeelingMakes decisions based on personal values and how actions affect others.
ThinkingFocuses on logical analysis and objective data to make decisions.
JudgingPrefers structure and order, likes to have plans and schedules.
PerceivingMore flexible and spontaneous, prefers to keep options open.

Introverted Personality Types

Personality TypeDescription
INTJ – The StrategistHighly logical and driven by an innate desire to strategize.
INFJ – The CounselorOften altruistic and driven by a strong sense of empathy and idealism.
ISTJ – The InspectorDetail-oriented and practical, highly value order and efficiency.
ISFJ – The ProtectorSensitive to others’ feelings and eager to help, usually practical in their approach.
INTP – The ThinkerCurious about systems and how things work, often detached from emotional considerations.
INFP – The IdealistDriven by a strong moral code and a desire for inner harmony.
ISTP – The CraftsmanPractical and observant, enjoys working with their hands and solving problems.
ISFP – The ArtistCreative and passionate, motivated by a sense of personal aesthetics and values.

Introverted cognitive functions

Intelligence TypeDescription
Introverted Thinking (Logical-Mathematical Intelligence)Involves problem-solving and logical reasoning, often independent of external opinions.
Introverted Feeling (Intrapersonal Intelligence)Relies on a strong internal value system to make decisions and understand oneself.
Introverted Sensing (Visual-Spatial Intelligence)Skilled at interpreting visual information and thinking in three dimensions.
Introverted Intuition (Concepts and Theories Intelligence)Focuses on the formation and understanding of concepts, often foreseeing patterns and possibilities.

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