Home | How Blind Purpose Can Kill You

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

How Blind Purpose Can Kill You

Don’t get me wrong. Purpose is great. I am happy you have that. But I want to warn against blind purpose: where we begin to pursue purpose at the expense of everything else that we are and what we need to be happy and healthy people. Purpose drives increased directiveness, we make decisions more easily, we feel an urge to move forward and to control our surroundings to connect to how we we want it to be. I see many who live purely on purpose, but not with heart, and not with soul. What do I mean with this? Well, first, they don’t mindfully reflect on their decisions and if their purpose is achieved with the right intention. Is my purpose making me happy? How could my purpose make me happy?
What ethical principles and rules should I consider while following my purpose? And you might be making decisions without soul: the pursuit of your purpose may come at the expense of your dream. Remember all those quirks you have, all those ideas you get on the way, and your inner compass, your thoughts and impulses while you do something. When a musician plays an instrument, they may have a strong sense of purpose “To play a masterpiece” but they may forget about the importance of soul and can repress their urge to play a certain chord, or to suddenly hit a certain note. This can inhibit the creative expression inside the purpose that makes your purpose yours.
Yeah, blind purpose is a fickle thing, we get it, and we pursue it blindly, and suddenly we find that our purpose made us deeply unhappy, and so we discard it. Yes, purpose is more common to find than we think. Haven’t we all gotten a cause or a mission, and then set our mind to it, and then given up, because it did not align with the values of our heart, the instincts of our soul, and the thoughts inside. We committ ourselves to blind purpose, and we discard everything in the name of it, and then we quit when it starts to hollow us out. We find ourselves starting to procrastinate, as our soul starts to resist. And we create inner turmoil, as we put different sides of ourselves against each other. Our soul against our purpose, our heart against our dreams. Creating conflict where there does not need to be any.
Calling > Blind purpose

What is your calling?

Group together the four letters in your personality code to find your heart, your purpose, your dream, and your soul.
Your dream
Take the first two letters to find your dream. Introverted iNtuition or Extroverted Sensing gives us our dream or an idea of our ideal life.
Your purpose
Take the last two letters to find your purpose. Feeling Judging or Thinking Perceiving are two examples of where you can find purpose.
Your heart
Take the first and the third letter in your type to find your heart and the values you need to live by and the boundaries you need to set while pursuing your calling.
Your soul
Take your second and fourth letter in your type to find your soul and the ideas and the unique quirks inside you that you need to express while pursuing your purpose.


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