Author: Erik Thor

  • Stereotypes About Judgers And Perceivers

    Many job employeers are quick to screen out perceivers, favouring judgers for their control, organisation and direction skills. This is all based on common stereotypes about judgers and perceivers. But the employers have been fooled by the MBTI. Judging and perceiving doesn’t test a persons ability to manage stress or to organise your life. It…

  • Ten Struggles For Intelligent ENXPs

    ENXPs enter a flow when they use their ability to read patterns and to investigate hidden patterns around them. There are ENXPs that have an average, high, or exceptional ability to read patterns. There are more and less creative ENXPs. The higher your intelligence, the more patterns you will pick up on. When you develop…

  • The ISFJ (As You Never Saw Them Before)

    Hysterical, petty, shallow, controlling, manipulative, the negative stereotypes about SFJs are plenty. Here is an account of ISFJs that will hopefully transform much of what you think about this type. And it will maybe even make you consider what type you are. INFJs, I’m looking at you. The Real ISFJ ISFJs are one of the…

  • Busting Common Stereotypes About You

    So — you might’ve heard ENFJs described as liars. Or perhaps you’ve heard ENTPs and ESTPs described as sociopaths. Perhaps you think INTJs are psychopaths. Maybe you think INFJs are prophets. Or perhaps you think INFPs are hopelessly impractical. Let’s talk about that.

  • What every type gets high on – and what they would rather not experience

    We all have those moments and experiences that we love. And then we have things we would rather not experience. And then we have things that we fear – but also are fascinated by. When Scouts (ESXX) experience negative emotions, they go into IN. When Scouts instead follow an inspiration, they go into IS. What…


    Sensing in itself is incredibly boring to most intuitives. Sensing rarely stimulates the intuitive, rather, it drains intuitives, making them feel less energy and less passion. Still, thanks to anxiety and stress, our body has built in a response that allows us to engage in sensing. Intuitives can engage in sensing because the stress or…

  • INXJ – Are INFJs and INTJs secretive?

    I think there is a common misconception that INFJs and INTJs intentionally withhold information from others, when in fact, most of the time, it is that INFJs and INTJs spend a longer time to search for information and to double check if information is true. Check the video on INFJ and INTJs secretiveness now! Dealing…

  • Misconceptions of INTP Laziness

    [embedyt][/embedyt] There are a lot of stereotypes about INTP laziness out there. There are a lot of people, teachers, parents, and bosses that would want to rush the INTP, but I would advice you not to. And there are things you can do to improve INTP productiveness and to ensure they do their best, but…

  • ESFPs – Smarter Than You Think

    I think there might be quite a few mistyped ENFPs out there. At least, there are some massive misconceptions and stereotypes about the ESFP out there. The stereotype that sensors are dumb exist because we define sensors by what they lack – not what they actually possess. What are the ESFP core gifts? Check the video…

  • Are Judgers Better Than Perceivers?

    With perceivers described as lazy and carefree go with the flow types, and judgers described as organized, on time, and focused, are judgers better than perceivers? Are perceivers simply out of touch with modern society, and unable to adjust to it’s demands and needs? Are judgers better than perceivers? I tend to notice that it is…