Home | Which types are the most optimistic?

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

Which types are the most optimistic?

new-piktochart_17411761_4eb9952277cd16ceffb908f4be33bdabd9d3699fI wanted to write about the difference between acceptance and tolerance. But also the difference between diplomacy and dominance. All four represent key strategies we use to manage conflict and issues in society. And while there are many differences between extroverted thinking and feeling, the types all share a set similarities.
By understanding the approaches below, we can find out which types are the most optimistic. I believe that extroverted feeling and introverted thinking types areย the most optimistic. I also believe thatย introverted feeling and extroverted thinking types are the most pessimistic. But before I explain why, I want to explain the different functions.

Acceptance vs tolerance

Introverted feeling – the intelligence of healing, is a naturally accepting function. It’s goal is reconciliation. Healers seek to live and to let live. This is why introverted feeling is naturally healing. It helps you make peace with past crimes and guilt, it makes you feel accepted, and it helps you move on.
With introverted thinking, the approach is instead tolerance. You accept and tolerate the problem,ย but you makeย constant attempts to fix and improve the issue. There are always new subtle, but indirect attempts to fine-tuneย the situation.ย You desire to fix the issue without confronting it head on.

Diplomacy vs Dominance

Performers, with extroverted feeling, relyย on mediation between different parties, institutions and groups. Everyone has different needs, values and interests, but whose interests do you represent and what do you do to advance your interests and needs to the group?
There’s always a need to forward your own interests and values above other groups. When others don’t listen or refuse to cooperate, extroverted feeling can become melodramatic and aggressive. But extroverted feeling never dominates or intervenes directly like extroverted thinking can.
With extroverted thinking, the goal is to control or oversee how the system operates. If things are unproductive or done in the wrong way, pragmatic types can rely on dominant and aggressive strategies to solve the problem. Extroverted thinking has no interest in diplomacy – just fixing the problem at hand. In that sense, it is more rigorous. It leaves nothing unresolved or half-done.

Which types are the most optimistic?

Now that we know this, it’s time to find out which types are the most optimistic.

Pessimistic: Dominance andย acceptance

Introverted Feeling types and extroverted thinking types are potentially the most harmless, but also potentially the most aggressive personality typs. Their behavior can shift from being completely at peace with something, to being relentless in the pursuit of change. These types are overall more realistic – or pessimistic, depending on who describes it. Pessimism is important in work and society. It drives action and productivity and supportsย the healing process.
They see problems as they are and don’t pursue small fixesย to remedy the situation. The question is always: Do I accept the obvious flaw and live with it (Fi), or do I use my bazooka (Te)? While healers are hopeful and idealistic, they rarely shy off words from reality – which rarely meets their expectations. Te is based on the negative belief that there are no slow solutions but that the best option is to confront the problem at hand immediately.

INTP Shawn Anchor is one of the leading speakers for optimism and the value of good thoughts.
INTP Shawn Anchor, Goodthinkinc.com, is one of the leading speakers for optimism and the value of good thoughts.

Optimism : Diplomacy and tolerance

Performers and scientists are neither as aggressive or as forgiving. They are always working to improve and remedy issues in relationships and between different groups. The idea here is that problems can always be remedied. There is a potential solution or answer that can fix any problem. Because introverted thinking is always optimistic that the problem can be resolved, it never loses it’s desire to “fix”. Optimism serves a very important role in relationships and group dynamics. It promotes a good team spirit and teamwork.
This is why the two functions appear to be a lot more optimistic. Introverted thinkers, although critical, always believe there are solutions to every problem.ย While extroverted feeling can be melodramatic in discussions, it never stops expressingย it’s groups values and expectations, even when things appear hopeless.


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