Home | Your Type In Stress, Autopilot, Vulnerability and Flow

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

Your Type In Stress, Autopilot, Vulnerability and Flow

What does your type look like under vulnerability and flow? How do you gain inspiration? My tip: Be vulnerable. Show yourself for who you are and look for what it is you enjoy and what gives you meaning, but which you do not dare to pursue or explore. If you feel like your own type expression is limiting and like you need an opener – challenge yourself to go outside your comfort zone. Don’t get stuck in your ego and what you think you are – but also pay attention to what you are, but which you do not yet dare to express.

The types in vulnerability and flow

ENFP: The ENFP is most ENFP like when in a restful, relaxed, balanced state. When in vulnerability, the ENFP will take on traits of the INFJ. When in self-protection mode or under stress and anxiety, the ENFP will appear more like an ISTJ. Finally, when in autopilot, and when acting without conscious thought, the ENFP will resemble an ESTP the most.
INFJ: An INFJ acts the most like an INFJ when in a well-rested, calm, stable and decisive state. In everyday decisions that require no thought, the INFJ can come across like an ISTJ. When unusually inspired and when being vulnerable, the INFJ may appear like an ENFP. Lastly, when the INFJ is trying to protect themselves and manage in difficult conditions, they may appear like ESTPs.
INFP: The INFP will be the least INFP like when they are in a state of crisis. Then, the INFP will put on ESTJ armor, acting like there’s no problem, and like they’re happy, even if they aren’t. When balanced, the INFP has a natural, peaceful melancholy. When bored and acting on autopilot, they may appear like ISTPs. Finally, when the INFP is the most inspired, they may appear like more artistic, expressive ENFJs.
ENFJ: The ENFJ has an INFP vulnerable state: their actions are often driven out of a desire to protect their less expressed vulnerable side. When protecting themselves from a difficult or tough world, ENFJs may somewhat resemble ISTPs. When the ENFJ is acting unconsciously without self-awareness, they may resemble ESTJs. When restful, balanced, and confident, ENFJs are going to appear much like an ENFJ.
ENTP: When the ENTP is the most inspired, they can take on some of the traits associated with INTJs. But typically, balanced ENTPs are detectives and hackers, creative catalysts, and result-oriented pragmatics. Under stress, the ENTP may take on some traits of the ISFJ, acting in a more clannish and petty manner to protect themselves from harm. When the ENTP isn’t thinking or reflecting on their decisions, they may appear like ESFPs.
INTJ: When the INTJ is acting to protect themselves from perceived harm, they may take on traits of the ESFP personality type. If they can relieve their stress and anxiety and find balance, they will find balance as INTJs. Under inspired but anxious action towards a fascinating or important goal, INTJs may briefly take on traits of the ENTP.
ENTJ: When the ENTJ is balanced, they act like detectives of new opportunities, and architects of their own fate. But when more vulnerable, ENTJs may briefly appear like inventive and ingenious INTPs. Under stress or anxiety, ENTJs may act to protect themselves by acting like victimised ISFPs. And when in a state of autopilot, ENTJs can act like ESFJs.
INTP: An INTP that is balanced and well-rested will seem the most like an INTP. But INTPs that are more exhausted and drained can actually appear like dreamy and escapist-oriented ISFPs. If the INTPs can recover their energy they may still find themselves struggling with lack of direction. If they can find a passion or something inspiring, but outside their comfort zone, they may briefly take on some of the traits associated with ENTJs, like entreprenurialness and resourcefulness. When the INTP is seeking to protect themselves from a crisis, they may take on the traits of an ESFJ, acting with charm and confronting people in an outburst of emotion.
How does your personality change when under vulnerability and flow? What can you do to maintain vulnerability and flow in your daily life and how can you manage stress and anxiety in a healthy way?


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