Home | Do You Have An Intuitive Memory?

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

Do You Have An Intuitive Memory?

There was something you had to do today. But what was it? Your mind starts scrolling through possibilities and associations. Your thoughts jump to things you could possibly be doing on a day.
It is fascinating that it appears that intuitives are great at remembering not things but how things are connected. You may have heard that sensors have the best memory. But what if I told you intuitives also have “memory”? Yes, intuitives have a special, fascinating way of remembering. Intuitives have a strong associations memory.
Associations memory is the ability to memorize a chain of events, patterns, and connections between objects. This allows you to scroll through options and thoughts associatively. Your memory is strengthened by your ability to notice how things are connected. This is also what allows you to have novel, abstract thoughts about things. Yes, an association may sometimes be random, speculative or whimsical. Connections are more fluid than factual information, ever-changing and complex in theirย nature.
intuitive memory

Intuitives store information as zip files

Intuitives prefer to remember concepts, ideas, patterns, and connections. They can then access information related to those concepts, people, objects, and specific information related to the concept you are discussing. Intuitives can struggle with rote memorization, but if you can spot a pattern, a rhythm, a chain that connects the information, you are all set. Intuitives store information as zip files.
A chain of events might be stored as “roller coaster day.zip”, with things memorized in general, broad, and intuitive terms. Intuition makes less of a demand on specificity on information. There is a higher amount of memory loss and incorrect memory for an intuitive. As an intuitive, you tend to look more at how two events are similar than how they are different. This allows for more wild and broad associations. A zip file takes a longer time to decode and opens with more memory loss but also enables more creativity.

A sensory memory

An intuitive memory

  • Driven by intensity / strength of sensation
  • Habit-based (1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Repetition based (8 AM feed cat)
  • Reliable
  • Simplicity first
  • Focused on direct things
  • High in contrast / focus on differences
  • Focusing on known or clear information
  • Driven byย subtlety / nuance of sensation
  • Patterns-based (1, 4, 7, 10)
  • Association based (meow, feed cat)
  • “Random”
  • Complexity first
  • Focused on subtle things
  • High in reach / focus on similarities
  • Deductive (what memory or answer best fits in blank?)

You may have spent a long time faulting your memory but maybe you are trying to remember in the wrong way. It’s worth creating strategies and thinking about how you can have fun memorizing information. We need to have fun to learn and if you are teaching yourself as a sensor you are going to think you are dumber than you actually are.
Don’t spend too much time dwelling on rote rehearsal. Don’t demand too much specificity where possible. Focus on remembering the differences and spotting the patterns. Usually, the specifics will come in unconsciously, together with the patterns. They are a package deal. The interesting thing is that intuitives tend to remember subtleties better than sensors. But what happens when an intuitive tries to remember as a sensor?

Intuitives tend to be much more critical of sensory information. This can halt memory intake. When in a sensors’ mindset, intuitives become more close-minded, critical, and low energy. They become much more picky with information, learning less than a sensor would.ย 

As an intuitive, you may pick up on and remember what it sounded like the other person was going to say, while forgetting about what was actually said. Perhaps you remember a time when someone was telling you something but all you could take in was the first thing they said about gummibears.ย We all remember different things after attending a class, we all notice and take away different things. Ask your students what they will take away from what you said and you’ll be surprised by what they remember.

How Feelers And Thinkers Remember

You may have noticed that feelers have a tendency to remember and access information as episodes. They remember information as a story or an experience. Thinkers, on the other hand, remember things as procedures. Information is stored as how-to information and rules. Procedures that help you access and navigate information. We’re going to talk more about this later.
Procedural memory: How to, lists, rules, systems, quantities, amounts and codes.
Episodic memory: Why, stories, motives, qualities, experiences, aesthetics, consequences and cause-effect.
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