Home | INTP Body Language

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

INTP Body Language

The INTPs that I’ve observed tend to at their best appear detached, analytical, tactical, self-assured, intelligent, sharp, and somewhat critical. INTPs have an open, broad squint, that hints of their rebellious drive. They look at you as if their head is full of questions and options. Their eyes dance and their relaxed squints look amused. The thinking and perceiving makes an INTP more tactically adept.&nbsp

INTP Body Language

The INTPs that I’ve observed tend to at their best appear detached, analytical, tactical, self-assured, intelligent, sharp, and somewhat critical. INTPs have an open, broad squint, that hints of their rebellious drive. They look at you as if their head is full of questions and options. Their eyes dance and their relaxed squints look amused. The thinking and perceiving makes an INTP more tactically adept.&nbsp

INTP Body Language

The INTPs that I’ve observed tend to at their best appear detached, analytical, tactical, self-assured, intelligent, sharp, and somewhat critical. INTPs have an open, broad squint, that hints of their rebellious drive. They look at you as if their head is full of questions and options. Their eyes dance and their relaxed squints look amused. The thinking and perceiving makes an INTP more tactically adept.&nbsp


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