Category: Stereotypes

  • Are you an INFJ or INTP personality type?

    An acquaintance of mine recently suggested I was an INTP, like Carl Jung, and I wanted to say why I’m an INFJ, and why Carl Jung is not an INTP.   INTPs value Diagnostics (TP) Creativity (NP) Philosophy (IN) and Perfection (IT). They project a set perspective or viewpoint on reality and they study the…

  • Are you an INFJ or INTP personality type?

    An acquaintance of mine recently suggested I was an INTP, like Carl Jung, and I wanted to say why I’m an INFJ, and why Carl Jung is not an INTP.   INTPs value Diagnostics (TP) Creativity (NP) Philosophy (IN) and Perfection (IT). They project a set perspective or viewpoint on reality and they study the…

  • Are sensors animal like?

    Because sensing and perceiving (SP) types love to act on instinct, they are often described as “animalistic.” This is not just a negative bias against the so called extraverted sensors (ISFP, ISTP, ESTP, ESFP), but it is also a stereotype against animals. Perhaps you have tried to type your animal. Almost all of the personality traits we…

  • Are sensors animal like?

    Because sensing and perceiving (SP) types love to act on instinct, they are often described as “animalistic.” This is not just a negative bias against the so called extraverted sensors (ISFP, ISTP, ESTP, ESFP), but it is also a stereotype against animals. Perhaps you have tried to type your animal. Almost all of the personality traits we…

  • Stereotypes on introverts and extroverts

    This is an excerpt from my book, The Next Steps For Neojungian Typology.  There has been a lot of research on introversion and extroversion. But surprisingly, very little of this research actually connects to the original definition of the term, coined by Jung. Why has introversion been so misunderstood and what is the misunderstanding exactly?…

  • Stereotypes About Judgers And Perceivers

    Many job employeers are quick to screen out perceivers, favouring judgers for their control, organisation and direction skills. This is all based on common stereotypes about judgers and perceivers. But the employers have been fooled by the MBTI. Judging and perceiving doesn’t test a persons ability to manage stress or to organise your life. It…

  • Busting Common Stereotypes About You

    So — you might’ve heard ENFJs described as liars. Or perhaps you’ve heard ENTPs and ESTPs described as sociopaths. Perhaps you think INTJs are psychopaths. Maybe you think INFJs are prophets. Or perhaps you think INFPs are hopelessly impractical. Let’s talk about that.

  • Recognizing frauds in the MBTI

    1. Ask for clarification when others use jargon – don’t let them hide behind complex and unintuitive buzzwords. 2. Ask for clarification when there’s ambiguity. 3. Seek the sweet spot : complex enough to give a meaningful definition for each type, but simple enough to be understood by a layman. Nobody knows everything about personality…

  • Why You Shouldn’t Trust A Speedtyper

    You’ve seen them, people who claim to be able to guess your type in less than 30 seconds. All they need is a tweet or a 10 second video clip of you, and they know your type with 100% certainty. These magic workers often offer courses and information on how you can be a speedtyper,…

  • Destructive Beliefs Every Type Should Question

    In the world of KBT it’s easy to think about just quick behavior changes. But truth is our beliefs reinforce our negative behaviors. There are lots of destructive beliefs out there and they often drive us to act against our best interests. That said, all beliefs have an important cause. You shouldn’t simply “stop” thinking…