Home | Which networks do you use the most?

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

Which networks do you use the most?

We have found four networks that highly influence your personality. Some networks are related to attention, some to imagination, some to dreaming, and some to objectivity. Which ones do you use the most?

Intuitives are the best at seeing D, C, B, and then A. Sensors are better at first identifying A, then B, then C, and only lastly, can they deal with D.

iNtuition – The Imagination Network

Did you know intuition is easier to use when there is nothing pressing happening around you? Ideally, you will want to work in an area where things are more subtle, calm, and idea-based. Intense environments will rattle your mind, and can cause you to make less logical decisions.

  • Your intuition is focused on the hidden, complex, or uncertain
  • An intuitive interprets and gives the unknown shape or form
  • Intuitives prefer alternative, unusual, originalย information

An intuitive is a deep sea diver: they use their imagination to find gems and hidden information in the depths and in the complex. A sensor is a surface dweller. They see the information around them, they pay close attention to changes, and are in tune with their environment. What the divers see because their heads are always below surface, the sensors notice first. What the sensors never see because they never dive down, the intuitives know the most about.
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Sensing – The Attention network

Did you know sensing is easier to use when you are in a bright, loud, and active environment? The more stimuli, the better the attention network performs. Attention is the key trait of all sensors. They see, hear, touch, and smell what is around them. Little escapes the sensor. They see what is in front of them, but prefer not to reason about what’s beneath it.

  • Your sensing is focused on the most visible, concrete, and known
  • The louder, the stronger, the more simple, the better
  • Sensors prefer the traditional, usual, habitual methods

When information is missing, sensors seek information around them that can confirm their theory or ground their knowledge. Intuitives here prefer to imagine an answer on their own. Sensors prefer concrete and clear information over abstract or impromptu solutions. They rather not reason logically about what information fits best, preferring to make their decisions more objective and fact-based.

Feeling – The Storytelling network

Your feelings are more easy to access when you are away from work, when you don’t have anything in your schedule, and when you are fully relaxed. As such, the feeling functions are informal, social, and drifty, like experiencing a dream.

  • A feeler is focused on valuing, experiencing, feeling information
  • Feeling makes you experience life as a story
  • The feelers beliefs and values shape their actions unconsciously

Feelers prefer to focus on relative value over objective value. They look at not how much of a certain item exists, but the quality of the item. They decide the quality of the item depending on how it responds to them or who they are. Does this item or action fit with who I am?

Thinking – The Technical Network

Your thinking is more active when you have a full schedule, work to be done, and things that require your active concentration. A thinker prefers more impersonal and formal settings, where they can see, touch, and understand all the rules in an explicit way. There should be rules in place, systems to test, and facts to organize.

  • A thinker is focused on measuring, describing and defining information
  • Your thinking makes you experience life as a task to perform at
  • The thinkers conscious actions shape their beliefs and values unconsciously

The thinker prefers to reason on objective facts. How much of each item? At which price? And what practical values do they offer? Often, thinkers prefer not to think about how the item affects them personally, preferring to keep themselves out of the equation. Decisions, even about clothing or fashion, are seen as objective rather than personal.

Your two strongest networks

Have you ever wondered why some seem to be more attentive, and some seem more imaginative? You can grow to become a highly skilled thinker even as a feeling personality type, but remember to respect your needs and passions. Try to make decisions that make you happy.


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