Home | The Unraveling of Objective Personality: A Deep Dive

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

The Unraveling of Objective Personality: A Deep Dive

I’m here today to discuss a topic that has been stirring up quite a bit of conversation in the personality typing community: the decline of Objective Personality. If you’re interested in the world of personality types, you’ll definitely want to check out my latest YouTube video, “The End Of Objective Personality.”

Objective Personality burst onto the scene with a bang, promising a revolutionary, scientific, and completely objective method of determining personality types. Their claims were bold and their reputation was solid, leading to an influx of new viewers and subscribers. However, as time has passed, their popularity has waned, and their viewership has dropped significantly.

In my video, I delve into the reasons behind this decline, exploring the flaws and inconsistencies in the Objective Personality model. I share the story of Emma, a woman who was typed as an ESTJ by Objective Personality, only to be retyped as an ENFP when she submitted a new video under a different name. This incident raised questions about the reliability of Objective Personality’s typing process and their claim of 100% accuracy.

The Objective Personality model, with its 512 types, is far more complex than the classic MBTI model, which works with 16 types. This complexity, while initially intriguing, has led to a number of issues. The burden of evidence required to validate 512 types is significantly higher than that required for 16 types. Furthermore, the addition of more dichotomies and traits to the model has led to confusion and inconsistencies.

Objective Personality’s failure to provide falsifiable definitions for their traits has also been a point of contention. For example, they describe masculine as being pushy and chubby, and feminine as being soft. But how do we measure these traits? What do they mean in practice? These vague definitions have left many feeling frustrated and skeptical.

The small sample sizes for each of the 512 types have also led to issues. With such small groups, it’s easy to find commonalities and make sweeping generalizations. However, as more people are added to these groups, these commonalities start to disappear, and the value of knowing your personality type begins to dwindle.

Despite these issues, Objective Personality still has a loyal subscriber base and remains one of the most popular alternatives to the classic MBTI. However, in order to regain the respect and authority they once held in the community, something has to change.

I invite you to watch my video for a more in-depth exploration of these issues. Whether you’re a fan of Objective Personality, a critic, or just curious, I believe you’ll find the discussion enlightening. As always, my goal is to help you flow, become self-actualized, and reach transcendence. Let’s continue this journey together!

Thank you for reading, and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.


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