Home | The Most Advanced Cognitive Function

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

The Most Advanced Cognitive Function

My supporter Mo from Patreon asks: Did intuition develop later in humans than sensing? This is a really fascinating question.

Does using introverted intuition make your thinking more advanced? Does introverted intuition require higher intelligence or a higher mental capacity? Did introverted iNtuition develop after other cognitive functions? Is introverted iNtuition less refined or is it more special than other cognitive functions? Is todays society better suited for iNtuitives or Sensors? Was there ever a time in society where there were ESTP and ESTJ but not INFJ or INFP personality types?

Personality Hacker has in some vlogs suggested that maybe intuition developed later than sensing. But I think it was rather consciousness that was developed last in humanity. Consciousness was our ability to be conscious of the fact that we used intuition, sensing, thinking, or feeling.


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