Home | The Definite Guide To The Myers Briggs Personality Type Dichotomies

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

The Definite Guide To The Myers Briggs Personality Type Dichotomies

In this article, you will get basic definitions you can use and apply to understand the Myers Briggs Personality Type Dichotomies, along with examples, scenarios and situations so that you can know for sure, whether you are an introvert or extrovert.

Finding out your personality type can be difficult. I’d recommend thinking about how many hours you have in a day and where you are putting your hours, along with if that is making you happy or not. Perhaps you’re burning your batteries as an introvert trying to live an overly stimulating life. Perhaps you have too much work and practical tasks, and need more new and free, informal and social activities.

Extroversion as a need for stimulation, action, and doing

  • You’d prefer to put most of your hours in active and engaging situations, doing fun and stimulating things
  • You’d prefer to talk quickly and keep an active pace
  • You’d prefer to take action directly rather than wait and see what happens

Introversion as a need for contemplation, stillness, and reflection

  • You’d be happier in smaller group settings and more quiet and still environments
  • You find the idea of longer time alone or time spent in reflection to be nice and refreshing
  • You’d prefer to be able to take your time to process your thoughts and explain your ideas in a slow-paced manner.

Intuition as a need for novel, unusual or different experiences

  • How important is it for you to go to new situations, to do new things, and to have a steady stream of the unfamiliar?
  • How fun does it sound to you to always reinvent the wheel, come up with new activities and to change up your life?
  • Do you enjoy frequently changing jobs and/or changing the tasks you do at work? How important for you is it to have a varied job or hobbies?

Sensing as a need for familiar, traditional or routinely experiences

  • How many hours a day do you spend doing familiar tasks and working on your current routines?
  • How much do you enjoy the thought of having a steady and consistent friendship circle, and a set of activities that you engage with on a routinely basis?
  • How long do you tend to stick with activities and actions, and how much do you value having a consistent life?

Feeling as a need to be engage in social, informal, or playful activities

  • Would you prefer to attend an event with set defined tasks and processes and game rules or would you prefer to go to an open, social, and informal environment?
  • Feeling types prefer free-flow, social and open environments where they can collaborate and engage without being measured, tested, or gauged for their skill or ability
  • Do you feel more engaged and motivated when you have full freedom to do whatever you want, and no specific project or task to absorb your attention?

Thinking as a need to be engaged with a set task, system, or method

  • Thinking types prefer to work in environments with clear rules, limitations, and parameters they can work behind or around.
  • How much of your time do you like to work on specific projects, tasks, or activities, and how much time would you like to just wander aimlessly and do whatever you feel like in the moment?
  • Do you feel more engaged and motivated when you have a task or project to do?

Judging as a need for things to be planned, structured and organized

  • How much time do you want to spend writing, communicating, or directing your environment?
  • Do you get more engaged the longer time a task takes and the more time you can spend on a project?
  • Do you feel more comfortable in clean and organized environments which enhance focus and concentration?

Perceiving as a need for things to be flexible, open, and spontaneous

  • How much time do you want to spend learning new things, getting more information?
  • Do you prefer to work on tasks that are more quick to complete and take less time and focus?
  • Do you feel more comfortable in varied, flexible environments, with a steady stream of new input?

Do you agree or disagree with these definitions? Did they help you better understand the dichotomies? Let me know in the comments down below!


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