Tag: hero’s journey

  • The 16 Personalities Hero’s Journey

    The Hero’s Journey is a framework developed by Joseph Campbell to map our progress and self-development. Campbell believes that we develop in a predictable pattern and says all successful individuals will go through these phases in this order. The 16 Personalities Hero’s Journey The Hero’s Journey begins with, normally, a feeling of failure or of…

  • Tips for Judging Types when starting up a project

    Judging types may run into a few problems when looking to start up new projects or when going to a new place. Here’s some things you may want to consider when you’re in the early stages of the Hero’s Journey as a Judging Type. Letting go of the past as a Judging type If you…

  • The Four Paths

    On the hero’s journey, there are four paths you can take. The path of courage, the path of power, the path of perseverance, and the path of peace. Each path is sometimes difficult, and sometimes easy, and no path is better than the other. All lead to growth and adventure and wisdom and power. The…