Home | Part Two: Your Worldview

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

Part Two: Your Worldview

Your Conscious Worldview

Beyond knowing your type, for example INFP, your type also gives a clue to what your conscious worldview is. Your worldview is a part of you apart from you. This means the things inside you that you find motivating and fascinating to learn more about, but which you also see as “outside” of your natural, effortless way of being.
An INFP has an ENFJ worldview. What this means is that the INFP sees itself living in a world where ENFJ rule. INFPs focus onย observing the world that they see is governed by ENFJ. They build their own identityย away from how they construct their personal worldview.
This means a conscious INFPย sees itself as living in a world with:

  • People with high social intelligence (EF)
  • Institutions that have strong and coherent moral systems and spiritual beliefs (FJ)
  • Friends who always have everything figured outย but who are slightly narrow minded to new patterns (NJ)
  • Situations where everything is chaotic and unpredictable (EN)
  • Idealistic worlds where freedom, kindness, goodness, wisdom, spirituality, and community is highly important. (NF)
  • Situations where everyone is trying to push and drag the INFP in some direction and where the INFP has to make sure things don’t go in the wrong direction. (EJ)

Your unconscious worldview

It makes sense then that for an INFP, ISTP represents what you see in the world that brings you comfort and relief, but also nulls your motivation, dumbs your interest, and lowers your attention. The unconscious worldview represents “truths” that make you feel like you don’t need to act, and that you don’t have to care about the world. It is what you say to put yourself to sleep.
The unconscious worldview can be portrayed like a trickster who offers you what you want but shows you how wrong your wish was. It can also be portrayed like a vampire that drains you of energy in return for relieving your anxiety and making you let go of your fears. What numbs an INFP is:

  • Pessimism and apathy (ST)
  • Ruthless analysis and problem-solvingย (TP)
  • Independent thinking (IT)
  • Gluttony and food (SP)
  • Instructions on how to do something well (IS)

The neojungian model goes deep and sees a lot. Don’t worry about getting overwhelmed by all the information. This post was just to outline what you can learn. We will go through all of this one step at a time. But to summarize:

  • Neojungian Academy goes much further than the traditional eight function model – and gives you more to learn.
  • Neojungian Academy reestablishes the improtance of the four letter code.
  • And Neojungian Academy discusses the influence of the unconscious and your worldview
  • We talk about both your conscious personality traits and your less conscious traits.

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