Home | Objective Personality vs The Flow Code compare and contrast

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

Objective Personality vs The Flow Code compare and contrast

How do you type in Objective Personality and what is the difference between my approach and the Objective Personality approach?


Both the Objective Personality system and the Flow Code offer interesting explanations on type. Sometimes we agree, and sometimes we diverge. I wrote this to show people how the Objective Personality system diverges and why we sometimes type and define things differently. I learnt a lot from studying Objective Personality and discovered several things that connected to my own approach, but also some significant differences.

Objective PersonalityThe Flow Code
Personality = Traumas, FearsPersonality = Values, Preferences
Type is a reflection of what you fear and love, and is tracked by your Saviors and DemonsType is preference based, based on your values, measured by questions about what you enjoy
512 fixed types16 fixed types + flexible subtypes 
The subjective factor is discounted in favor of an โ€œObjectiveโ€ typing method with two or more neutral observers, reliant on a similar checklist and approach.People are given the right to define their own personality type and preferences through a test or studying the system. The type is then confirmed by testing in the real world how you respond to different activities, i.e tracking what gives you energy, joy, vs what causes you stress.

Objective Personality and I agree on that there are more than 16 distinct personality types, and have similar ways of defining several dichotomies. Most of the concepts in Objective Personality can be translated to The Flow Code. We disagree mainly in regards to ethics and how to apply the types, and also, we have a different view on what personality is.

Objective Personality tracks your personality by spotting your fears and worries. This is an interesting way of defining type, but different than how I see it. I track type similar to Isabella Briggs and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, based on your innate preferences, and what you enjoy.

The reason I track this is because I try to connect the study of type to personal health. I want to offer people meaningful advice on what career, relationship, or lifestyle best suits them, based on their personality type. The reason Objective Personality tracks your mindset and worries is because they want to help you work on your weaknesses and to become more aware of limiting beliefs and traumas in your life.


OPFlow Code
SaviorFlow function (Dominant)
Savior 2Growth function (Auxiliary)
Demon 2Comfort function (Tertiary)
DemonStress function (Inferior)
ObserverIntuition or sensing dominant
DeciderFeeling or thinking dominant
OPFlow Code
Gatherers (Oe)Explorers (EP) – Tribe Change
Organize (Oi)Stoics (IJ) – Self Control
Self (Di)Advisors (IP) – Self Change
Tribe (De)Managers (EJ) – Tribe Control


OPFlow Code
Info domJudging or perceiving subtype
BlastJudging subtype
ConsumePerceiving subtype
Energy domIntroverted or extroverted subtype
PlayExtroverted subtype
SleepIntroverted Subtype

An INTJ with stronger introversion than judging preference will be a Sleep type. An INTJ with stronger judging than introversion will be more inclined to Blast.

Sexual modalities

OPFlow Code
MMAssertive development (Low neuroticism, high industriousness) with strong dominant and auxiliary development
MFIndustrious development (Serious) as a result of a strong auxiliary function and inferior development
FMInfluential development (Playful, easygoing) as a result of a strong tertiary function, strong dominant function
FFTurbulent development (High neuroticism, high playfulness) as a result of a strong inferior and tertiary function use.

When the dominant preference is strong and the inferior is subdued, we experience less neuroticism. We are more in touch with our flow function and experience less pressure. We feel more confident about what we do. When the inferior is stronger, we experience more stress and our overall challenge and difficulty level goes up, leading to an increase in neuroticism.


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