Home | Would you like an INFJ Handbook?

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

Would you like an INFJ Handbook?

I am thinking of starting on an INFJ handbook now that I’m finished with the book “The Power Of Persona”.
The book would be an introduction to being an INFJ, a discussion of the inner nature of an INFJ, and a discussion of the many various personas and altercations of INFJs, following the methodology and the ideas and theory in The Power Of Persona. I believe INFJs exist in many different shapes and forms, and I believe INFJs are constantly changing and growing, and that there is a big spectrum of different INFJs, with different traumas and different experiences. I want to help answer common questions for INFJs, so if you have any questions related to being an INFJ, let me know!
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