Home | The INTJ Archetypes

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

The INTJ Archetypes

INTJ ARCHETYPES. The most common archetypes and representations of INTJs are as Leaders (Judging), Magicians (iNtuitives), Protectors (Ambiverts) and Royals (Thinking/Feeling mix). These are the four INTJ core archetypes. The INTJ is also an Innovator (NT), Visionary (NJ) Strategist (TJ) Fixer (IT) and Philosopher (IN) type. At other times, the INTJ is described as an Architect (NTJ) a Scientist (INT) a Seer (INJ) or a Planner (ITJ)

The INTJ Archetypes

A royal is success-oriented, strategic and civilised. You present an air of cultural refinement and power to the world. INTJs are leaders that naturally attract responsibility. You rely on careful control and planning to achieve the results you seek. Thirdly, INTJs are Protectors. People naturally rely and depend on you and you do your best to keep the people in your life safe and well. Finally, you are a Magician and someone at times whimsical, quirky and odd. People don’t always get you, but you have remarkable and unique ways of getting results.

A royal is success-oriented, strategic and civilised. You present an air of cultural refinement and power to the world. INTJs are leaders that naturally attract responsibility. You rely on careful control and planning to achieve the results you seek. Thirdly, INTJs are Protectors. People naturally rely and depend on you and you do your best to keep the people in your life safe and well. Finally, you are a Magician and someone at times whimsical, quirky and odd. People don’t always get you, but you have remarkable and unique ways of getting results.

The Core INTJ Archetypes

The INTJ Magician

Truly, the strongest and most noticeable trait of the INTJ is their bond to magic and unconscious potential. INTJs are attracted to impossible projects and unknown paths. You seek to bring a new idea to fruition and spend much time imagining new places or thinking about the future.

The INTJ Protector

INTJs are typically one of the more extroverted introverts, as you spend much time trying to manifest your ideas in the world. It is important for you to use your vision to protect society and the people around you from harm. At times, your personality type is an alarm bell that can warn us from threats in the future. You see it often as your duty to use your insight for the good of all.

The INTJ Royal

A Royal has a lordly conduct. You are neither bound by the principles of logic nor by emotional attachments. Rather, you make decisions based on what will bring you honour. You live according to a strong code and seek to improve your worth and value to society. At times, you become too preoccupied by image and status. You may find yourself trying to impress others with your new idea or unique talents.

The INTJ Leader

Lastly, we have the INTJ Leader. As an INTJ, you have a goal-oriented and at times controlling attitude. You believe we should act in accordance with certain codes and that we should act with insight and strategy. You may at times try to push and control other people and the world around you in order to maintain the integrity of your vision and to avoid chaos.

The secondary INTJ archetypes

SECONDARY INTJ ARCHETYPES. These are not related to the INTJ cognitive functions.

The INTJ Innovator

INTJs have been well discussed as Innovators (NTs) and innovation is a core trait of the INTJ. You seek to make the current world and society better and work to improve and fix what isn’t working properly in the world. Rather than think of how things could be completely different, you work with the resources available to you, using your creativity to adjust rather than reimagine, destroy and rebuild.

The INTJ Fixer

The Fixer (IT) is an archetype that seeks to correct inefficiencies in the world. You spot errors and issues that keep the world from working to its best ability. This INTJ archetype will modify and tinker with things in order to see how they can work better. You break down problems into smaller parts so that you can solve them more easily, however at times, less effectively.

The INTJ Philosopher

You have a natural draw to existential thought and often ponder on the deeper meaning to life and why we are here. You seek comfort in insight and higher awareness and insight. Your thoughts are often abstract in nature and not always very practical.

The INTJ Visionary

The Visionary is an archetype associated with hyperfocus and dedication towards one idea or singular purpose. You have a big idea or “life work” in your mind that you wish to realise somehow through your actions. You can find yourself fascinated by “big problems”.

The INTJ Strategist

The Strategist is the archetype of long term, strategic considerations. You make actions and decisions considering the system, your available resources, and what will get you to the best end result the fastest. You know the straight path is not always the best one.

The Tertiary Archetypes

When you combine three or more traits together, you get the tertiary archetypes

The INTJ Architect (NTJ)

These three traits combine to form a sculptor, designer or architect. You are focused on reshaping the world in some form. You take what already is and find ways to present it better to make it more useful. This INTJ archetype will focus much on practicality and coming up with the best way to shape something for it to work optimally.

The INTJ Scientist (INT)

Introversion, iNtuition and Thinking combine to create a person with a highly scientific mindset. You try to find data and evidence to back up your theories and see how you can test and prove a hypothesis. You want to know that you are right and that you have done something correctly so test different methods to gain reliable insight into your performance.

The INTJ Seer (INJ)

The seer has a unique way of seeing the world. You seek unique insights. Your imagination is vivid and feels deeply real. Often you explore life visually. You find yourself often ruminating deep questions and can become obsessed with the pursuit of knowledge and information.

The INTJ Planner (ITJ)

The Planner employs a careful and systematic approach to life. You use systems and data to organise your life and situation. Lists are a big help here, too. You prefer life to have a degree of predictability to it and you are thrown off by random and unexpected events.

Watch the video for more insight here


Which INTJ Archetypes resonate the best with you?


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o.O Robert, ifymk
o.O Robert, ifymk
8 months ago

First off, Thank you! Been an INTJ my whole life, didn’t know there was a play/structure/variation…. This DEFINITELY gives me a bit of leeway >.<

o.O Robert, ifymk
o.O Robert, ifymk
8 months ago

((No comment on the Robotic Captcha scene >.< Oh wait… GDI…. gotta do it again just to poist this, huh? >.<))

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