Home | From Typology To Herology

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

From Typology To Herology

In the traditional MBTI we are all taught about so called “normal behaviour” or normal ways for personality types to develop. Typology is an attempt to organise social behaviour into “types”. The goal originally was to help you find a good career match that fit your current behaviour and lifestyle. But what if you’re outside the norm? And what is your ideal self? 

What is typology?

Typology is the study and classification system used to track “personality types” or groups of behaviour.
We’ve got to break out of these boxes we’re all so firmly attached to. Yeah, even outside the MBTI, possibly even more outside the MBTI, we are all so attached to our present selves. We have a tendency to out of nostalgia assume that who we happen to be at the moment is “us” when in reality we are capable of so much more. 
I found that there was a much more important type than the one you have been assigned by the MBTI. Your hero type. It’s a reflection of who you are, energy in the tank, passion in the gas pedal, and hands on the steering wheel. Instead of simply trying to categorise your current, constantly changing behaviour, I started to study your ideal behaviour and what your interests and passions were. And what I discovered was fascinating.

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The Flow Code

I found that all of us have a so called flow code, a version of ourselves that reflects our best interests, our key values, and a natural orientation. I began to find the traditional study, of who I was, boring and uninteresting. More interesting was the study of my ideal and my worst.
Yes, naturally, as I found that we all had a flow code, I also found that we all had a stress code. Behaviour that drains us of energy, behaviour that feels unimportant and tedious, and behaviour that went against our natural modus operandi.

The stress code

Intuitives would report that sensing would drain them off energy and that they struggled to muster the energy to engage in sensing. Thinkers would say they found feeling demotivating and unstimulating, they could do it, but it didn’t seem to carry any direct purpose. Still, many of us were still doing things we didn’t like, so why did we do it?

The power of persona

In the power of persona, I began to track down the masks we wear and the underlying reasons that a person would act against their ideal or their better interests. The reason was often found in traumas, education, and parenting, where a person could be taught to act in a way they didn’t like.
Still, I found that when we did things that were against our personal interests, we would experience an increase of stress and anxiety. The masks we wear drain us of energy, and make us overwhelmed.
Our environment may at times force us to act or to hide ourselves or parts of ourselves, but there was a code to all of it, and I could figure out what that code was. Using the Enneagram, I was able to see what masks a person was wearing at a specific time, and what core values and vices were associated with this enneagram type. 

Power Of Persona


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