Home | SF | The Socials

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

SF | The Socials

The Communitariansย pursue the main virtues of Tradition, Community, and Health.You are a communitarian, you’re reliable, safeย and service oriented.ย You enjoy to be a part of nearby groups and social circles. You’re polite and friendly.As an SF, youย enjoy to devote timeย to maintaining traditions, your identity, and your daily life. You’re interested in the social norms and the order of society and your place in it all.The SFย – the communitarian, has the gift ofย being a present-minded free spirit, acting freely, in touch with who you are, and honoring your role in the society. You’re interested in being healthy, safe, and in touch with your family and your social roots.You’re interested in social consistency, living up to and honoring your beliefs and your identity every day, finding out and letting people know who you are and what you believe in. You’re concrete and direct and simple in your needs and expectations.


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