Home | The Big 5/OCEAN model and the 16 Personalities

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

The Big 5/OCEAN model and the 16 Personalities

The Big 5 is a more scientific model than the MBTI. That does not, however, mean that it is a better model. In order to be more scientifically viable, the Big 5 or OCEAN model had to focus on more stereotypical and easy to observe personality traits.

Focusing on what was easy and consistent to measure, it avoided anything vague or more complex. Because of this, the OCEAN system tends to deliver very consistent personality results. The popular of the Big 5 is however low because it is hard to use for personal growth or introspection. The Big 5 focuses on describing our behaviour rather than our thinking patterns, intentions or values.

Today’s article will reveal what personality type has what personality traits in the Big 5 Model.

Recommended Reading: What is the DiSC Personality Inventory?


What is your MBTI Type?

The Big 5 is about your behaviour while your MBTI type is about what behaviour will put you in a state of flow. There is a strong connection between the Five Factor Model/OCEAN and the MBTI because most people will prefer to act or behave in a way that puts them in a state of flow.

If you have taken the Five Factor Model test, you can use this chart to decide what MBTI Type you are more likely to be:

16 PersonalitiesBig Five/OCEAN
PerceivingLow Conscientiousness
FlowEmotional Stability

Neuroticism is a metric that suggests how likely or unlikely you are to be in a state of flow. If you have low neuroticism, you are more likely to be in a state of flow. You are more assertive, strong in yourself, and generally positive.

What is Outgoingness?

Outgoingness is a measure of how outgoing your personality type will act. On average, Extroverts are more likely to act Extroverted and that means they are more likely to:

  • Take social initiative
  • Go out and meet people
  • Drive conversations

A person who has low outgoingness or who tends to act reserved is more likely to be Introverted. This kind of person is less likely to take initiative in social settings, and will prefer to stay at home or be alone. They make less effort in conversations and tend to be more cautious.

In the 16 Personalities system, this is because Extroverts get more energy from social interactions and Introverts get more energy from turning their attention inside, to their own thoughts and inner world.

What is Openness to experience?

Openness means being more open to new experiences, trying new things, and learning about new ideas. Intuitive types tend to be more open to learn new things, and less likely to maintain old beliefs and methods. This makes them more creative but also less disciplined and less resilient to stress.

  • Eagerness to learn
    Appreciating cultural and intellectual topics
  • Willingness to change mind

Having low openness means preferring tradition, habit, and routine. People who have low openness tend to be contrastingly more reliable, more stable, and more secure in their ideas and opinions. They are less likely to doubt their own ideas and tend to show more discipline in their work.

In the 16 Personalities system, this is because Sensing types get more attached to their ideas and beliefs the longer they work on them. Intuitive types tend to get bored more quickly and so need more stimulation and change.

What is Agreeableness?

Agreeableness means to value harmony, cooperation, and teamwork more highly. Feeling types tend to be more agreeable and place stronger emphasis on connecting with other people on having shared feelings, needs, and identity. This makes them more:

  • Benevolent and interested in the happiness of other people
  • Friendly and warm
  • Honest and trusting of others

People who have low agreeableness are more likely to be critical of other people and enjoy discussion and conflict more. They are less likely to trust other people and need more proof or evidence. Thinking types are more likely to be Disagreeable because they enjoy independence and problem-solving and truth.

What is Conscientiousness?

If you are Conscientious, that means you are more likely to plan or organise your environment and lifestyle. You are more likely to schedule your activities and tend to be more focused and disciplined in your work. Judging Types tend to act more Conscientious because they get more motivated by an activity the longer it takes. Conscientious types tend to:

  • Set more long-term goals
  • Spend longer time on goals
  • Set more rules and principles for themselves

People who have low Conscientiousness tend to be more Adaptable. They will adjust their decisions and actions to the situation and prefer to make up their mind in the moment. Perceiving types are lower in Conscientiousness because they have less benefit from rules and schedules. They will feel less motivated if they have to work on a task for a longer time without any short-term payoff.

What is Neuroticism?

Neuroticism is not a Myers Briggs personality trait, but it connects to my concept of Flow. Neurotic types tend to be more sensitive to stress and anxiety and are more likely to doubt themselves. They often struggle to motivate themselves and have overall less Flow. If you are neurotic you:

  • Tend to experience more stress than the average person
  • May feel more anxious than a normal individual
  • Often have less motivation or energy than most people

A person who has low neuroticism is more emotionally stable and feels a stronger Flow. They feel more confident about themselves and more secure in who they are and in their decisions. They are generally more motivated and have more energy to deal with day to day tasks.

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What is your OCEAN/Big 5 Type based on your MBTI type?

You can use these tabs to see what the most common Big 5 scores are for each MBTI type:


Recommended reading: What is The Enneagram?


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