Home | How Anxiety Stops Your Intuition

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

How Anxiety Stops Your Intuition

Intuitives, anxiety stops your intuition. Worry, fear, anger all serve to discourage you from your intuitive process. Intuitives thrive when they can explore their ideas, investigating and finding novel solutions to problems. But if they can’t find a healthy way to respond to their anxieties, their process of change may be stopped. Their ideas may never leave the cradle. There’s nothing worse than doubt if you have a good idea.
We have discovered an interesting and noteworthy pattern. We have found that sensor types tend to have an anxious intuitive style while intuitive types have a anxious sensory style. A sensor can use and develop and master a strong use of intuition, but intuition will always have an effect of making the sensor’s mood less stable. Sensors get overwhelmed by intuition, just as intuitives get overwhelmed by sensing.
You should ask yourself if an anxious or negative or easily frustrated sensor might just be a distressed intuitive. Similarly, an overly negative intuitive might just be a sensor type. It’s not definitive proof, but their flavour or style of sensing or intuition can tell you a lot. Anxiety stops your intuition, and in times when fear of change runs high, many will cling to sensing as a comfort blanket.
Just a quick disclaimer, it is not that intuition in general makes a sensor worry, but that negative change and change that disrupts their order and habits will.

How anxiety stops your sensing

The sensor’s intuition will be flavoured by frustration, anxiety, worry, and anger. Because this intuition is more moody, sensors who engage in intuition will appear more under the weather. They may strike you as overly concerned, nitpicky, or reckless in how they use their intuitive function. Is this purely negative? No. Anxiety serves a helpful purpose in life, warning us of issues and letting us know about problems.
However, this can cause the sensor to rush conclusions, to overintuit, to read in things that aren’t there, and to predict things that aren’t going to happen. More than this, intuition drains the sensor of energy. It makes them visibly bored and low-key. So often, the sensor will rush through intuitive conclusions, only gathering as many pieces of it as it must, returning more quickly to the surface, where it can catch its breath.

The sensors intuition

A sensor’s intuition generally tends to reflect reality and their metaphysical idea of the world: god, spirituality, fits tightly with what their world is. The sensor’s intuition is less original and less broad and deep, but more connected and easier to fit into the world as-is. Their intuition serves as an additional verification of reality: gathering the evidence the sensor needs to connect to their sensing. It also guards them from negative change, alerting them to bad patterns and visions that can have a bad influence on their life.
Their intuition calms their mind but never invites further speculation. Imagine a kid asking their parents a philosophical question. The sensor quickly draws for an answer that will calm the kid and which will kill further discussion. Intuition is something dangerous and something you need to be careful with, as it always threatens your stable and comfortable reality.
The key to an expert use of intuition for the sensor is for them to always balance and ground their intuition in reality and to use intuition primarily as a tool to cement and stabilize their world.

How anxiety stops your intuition

What is sensing for an intuitive type? There are many noteworthy intuitives that have come to master a high and skillful use of sensing. Intuitives tend to be more optimistic intuitive types, and sensors tend to be pessimistic intuitive types. What this means is that generally an intuitive will find intuition soothing and relaxing.
When you use intuition, as an intuitive, you find yourself feeling more grounded, calm, and less angry. You become more understanding, wise, and knowledgeable. Your deductions and predictions about the world are overall of a positive nature. You find new straws to grab at, and new theories to keep you afloat. Intuition is your strategy to maintain a generally positive demeanour.

The intuitive’s sensing

The information you find around you however is usually of a more negative or inconvenient nature. You might perceive your overall life situation as difficult, but your intuition always finds you a positive solution for you to stay on top of it all. Or you may be burdened by negative past events, but you’re always able to find something to do in the moment to calm yourself if the anxiety becomes too much.
Having a negative or pessimistic sensing style isn’t always a bad thing. It helps you identify things in your environment that are inconvenient or troublesome. Annoying bad noises, inconvenient smells, and things that disrupt your focus and that can cause you to feel overwhelmed. Things in your history that aren’t rays of sunshine and that you need to learn from. While a sensor might ignore it or focus on the positive most of the time, an intuitive sees things in reality that need to be changed and fixed.

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Just as sensors find things with deduction and change that needs to be stopped before it’s too late, an intuitive who has mastered their sensing uses their sensing to ground and balance their intuitive function. This is similar to how a gardener plants soil where ideas and good change can grow. They see their anxieties and worries and find intuitive ways to respond to them. They don’t avoid the problem, letting it race slowly in their unconscious, until it takes over in a fit of anger. Anxiety stops your intuition, but if you accept your worries and acknowledge them, you can move forward.


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