Home | What was Adolf Hitler’s MBTI Personality Type?

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

What was Adolf Hitler’s MBTI Personality Type?

Adolf Hitler’s personality type and his MBTI type is a topic of much debate, with many claiming he was an INFJ – Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling and Judging type. Such a person would be typically reserved, private, creative, idealistic, and conscientious. However, in this article, we will revisit some of Hitler’s quotes and behaviors to challenge this claim and explore what personality type he may have had. We will delve into his worldview, communication style, and approach to conflict to reveal his potential personality type. While some argue that Hitler was an INFJ, this article will explore why he was in fact an ESTJ. This type is more associated with high outgoingness, low openness to experience, low agreeableness and high conscientiousness.

Many theories exist about Hitler’s personality type, with some claiming he was an INFJ gone bad. And while any personality can develop to be unhealthy and to do horrible acts towards other people, I believe it’s more logical to consideir Adolf Hitler’s MBTI to be ESTJ. Hitler’s true personality was most likely an unhealthy ESTJ, marked by a strong desire for structure, authority, and control. However, his high neuroticism and unbalanced conscientiousness also contributed to his extreme and irrational behavior.

Adolf Hitlers MBTI has been claimed to be an INFJ in several blogs, including MBTI Fiction, IDRLabs and Personality Database. Today I will show why this is incorrect and why Adolf Hitler is not an INFJ.

How Adolf Hitler’s background and experiences shaped his personality

It’s also crucial to consider how Hitler’s childhood experiences played a role in shaping his personality and worldview. He endured a difficult and unstable childhood, which likely contributed to his bitterness and resentment towards society and his desire for power and control.

It’s important to note that while understanding Hitler’s personality may help us comprehend his actions, it doesn’t excuse or justify them. His extreme actions were in no way beneficial towards society or the common good.

Understanding Adolf Hitler’s personality and its impact on history is a sensitive topic that demands a positive and empathetic approach. While Hitler’s personality may have been unhealthy and extreme, it’s essential to recognize that the ESTJ personality type can exhibit positive qualities when channeled towards improving productivity, structure, and inspiring action. They can be strong leaders who value tradition, order, and authority and are committed to achieving their goals through hard work and discipline.

However, the negative qualities of this personality type can manifest if an ESTJ doesn’t develop a relationship with their more sensitive side. They can struggle with change and have difficulty seeing the humanity and respecting the emotions and needs of others, resulting in a lack of empathy and disregard for individualism and freedom.

Adolf Hitler’s Personality Traits and Psychological Profile

So, what can we learn about Hitler’s personality from his actions and beliefs?

  1. He was an extrovert.

Hitler was a highly charismatic and dynamic individual who was able to rally large crowds and inspire people with his speeches. He was known for his intense eye contact and his ability to connect with people on an emotional level. In his own words, “I have never been able to be a lone wolf. I have always needed people around me.”

  1. He was a Sensing type with low openness to experience.

Hitler had a deep respect for tradition and order and was resistant to change and new ideas. He was known for his love of art and culture, but he had a very narrow taste and was dismissive of anything that did not fit within his narrow worldview. As he once said, “I want to raise a generation of young people who are sure of themselves and confident in the future, who will value tradition and history and who will resist the temptation of false idols.”

  1. He was a thinking type with low agreeableness.

Hitler was highly analytical and focused on achieving his goals. He was not interested in compromise or negotiation and was quick to attack anyone who opposed him. He was known for his brutal leadership style and his ability to inspire fear in his subordinates. As he once said, “The art of leadership… consists in consolidating the attention of the people against a single adversary and taking care that nothing will split up that attention.”

  1. He was a highly Judging type, and this is the most interesting thing about himit made him very unbalanced.

Hitler was an extremely organized and disciplined individual who was driven by a desire for perfection. This trait is most evident in his early career as an artist. He was known for his attention to detail and his relentless pursuit of artistic excellence. As he once said, “I studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and devoted myself to the arts with all my heart. But I soon realized that my real calling was in politics.”. His love of conscientiosness drove him to value beauty and art highly. It also seems his extreme levels of conscientiousness can explain many of his actions. He seemed driven to clean up and get rid of anything that was different to him. To get rid of any elements of chaos or disorder in society, even at the expense of what makes society democratic and worth living in.

  1. His high neuroticism and emotional instability, his trauma, and how that caused him to struggle with introverted feeling, and why he was so confrontational.

Hitler had a troubled childhood, marked by emotional and physical abuse from his father. He was deeply affected by this trauma and struggled with intense feelings of anger and resentment. He was also prone to fits of rage and emotional outbursts. His struggles with introverted feeling made it difficult for him to connect with others on an emotional level, and he often lashed out at those who he felt were not supportive of his goals. As he once said, “I will not tolerate anyone who opposes my vision for Germany. I will crush anyone who stands in my way.”

The Negative Consequences of an Unbalanced Personality

It is important to remember that any personality trait, when taken to an extreme, can cause us to neglect vital human needs, and can drive us to confrontation, conflict, and violence. As individuals, we all share a common human ancestry and therefore, we should be able to relate to anyone else, and to at least understand why they do what they do, and where they come from.

To prevent the negative consequences of an unbalanced personality, it is essential to pursue both inner and outer balance. This means taking time for introspection and self-care, as well as staying connected to one another and the world around us. We need to remember also to balance our own high conscientiousness, with time for play, adaptability, spontaneity, and some chaos. Too much order and structure stifles individuality and can easily become authoritarian and fascist.

In conclusion, we all deserve both to live in a well-organized society, but also a society that is dynamic, rich, and diverse. By recognizing the value of both structure and creativity, we can build a better world that is both efficient and fulfilling. So let us strive for balance and empathy, and seek to understand and appreciate the diversity of human personalities and experiences. By doing so, we can create a brighter future for all.

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Midnight Writer
Midnight Writer
3 years ago

Do you ever wonder why any soul on planet Earth will falsely claim that Adolph Hitler was an INFJ?
As far as nature goes. We have a dual nature. Our ape beastly self asserts the motto “Survival of the Fittest” – War on Earth. However, our divine humanoid self asserts the motto “Survival of the Smartest” – Peace on Earth.

2 years ago

On many websites people type only based on functions. Why do they do that? It’s hard to believe that the cognitive functions are meant to type people.
And that leads to calling Hitler a Feeler, a very weird mistake.
From what I’ve heard by the way I would definitely think that Hitler is Introverted, despite him being very charismatic. I would say ISTJ.

2 years ago

Hi, I totally agree with you that Hitler was in no way an INFJ and I have no idea how anyone would think that. Have those people met INFJs? As if any introvert would bloom in front of a huge crowd. Also, the unhealthy INFJs I met rather picked a single person and ruined their life instead of going for the outside world.

However, I disagree with your analysis on him being a thinker and having an actual goal. I feel like everyone is still falling for his show. Hitler never had an actual plan and he just threw around buzzwords that people would pick up and think they knew what he meant. An ENTJ would NEVER loose so many words in such an emotional manner (“war, war, war!”). Hitler was a dreamer, but one of a nightmare.

I suggest ENFP for him. He gained energy from crowds but then cherished a peaceful environment to recover. He was an artist at heaer and extremely passionate about what art was “right or wrong” (Fi). Most of his success was thanks to his ability to assemble a competent team around him who helped him implement his rather fuzzy vision.

Don’t forget that many of his speeches were written by Goebbles who was definitely some NT type.

Hitler also was high on drugs in his last years, every day, with just a notion of “more, more, more”. He rambled out his instructions and the people around him tried to make any sense of it.

He was a wannabe artist, but never had the patience to actually get good at it. He was a great actor though, giving the impression of a brilliant general and mastermind that people still fall for. But it’s just a show. His final war strategy (MOOOOREEEE!!!) was dumb af, exactly what you would expect from someone with childish Te. There wasn’t even a plan for afterwards, just more war. Nothing was planned though – just like a perceiver would to things: start it with enthusiasm, but no idea how to follow up.

The only reason he got his manifesto done was probably because he was in prison and had nothing else to do. His book has no focus and no clear goal, it’s just a rambling vision of… something that inspired enough people to trust him that he actually had a plan.

If you watch a documentary about his private life, you will find the most sentimental and emotional person there, with a soft spot for Dogs, idyllic countryside and suicidal women. Not at all what a Thinker would go for.

He was a great actor and he made people feel like he understands them and that he was on their side. He was charismatic and charming. People who met him in a 1:1 was afterwards convinced that he was worthy of their support, no matter their own background. That is exactly the kind of manipulation you would associate with the classic ENFP.

ENFP would also explain why people usually think he is INFJ – it’s the exact shadow type that may sometimes shine through. In such an unhealthy human (don’t forget he was heavily traumatized himself) you sometimes can’t really distinguish the self and the shadow anymore.

If I was looking for an INFJ around him, I’d rather go for his girlfriend and/or his photographer.

Robert Sykes
Robert Sykes
2 years ago

I agree with your analysis and similar to you have always felt Hitler was a ENTJโ€ฆ.. or possibly a I NTJ. And also like you a very dysfunctional one, whichever type he was

11 months ago

YES! That’s always been my diagnosis of him.
As an INFJ and a mental health practitioner, I just couldn’t see how INFJ to fit.

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