Home | 16 Personalities Relationship Compatibility

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

16 Personalities Relationship Compatibility

Using The 16 Personalities To Find A Good Partner & Strong Friendships?

Relationship Compatibility, 16 Personalities Relationships, MBTI Dating

Many stay in relationships for a long time despite the fact that you have major incompatibilities or differences in values. Many feel unfulfilled by their friendships. Perhaps you struggle from friends that are overly critical of you, people who don’t get your sense of humor, or people who don’t share your hobbies or interests.

Having incompatible relationships and friendships can be tough. You may end up having a lower self esteem. You might think that there’s something wrong with you. There’s a chance you will try to change or fix yourself in order to make other people happy, and that you will end up less happy as a result.

Can you use the MBTI or the 16 personalities system to find better friendships and if so how? What people would make the best friendships for you? I decided to think back to my strongest friendships and relationships and to think about what it was that made those relationships so positive for me. This is what I found out.

What are the best personality types for you?

First of all, there is no one-size fits all formula you can use to track down the best friend or partner for you. Instead, what you will have to do is first determine what personality type you are, and second, what kind of friendships you need. Do you want a friend or partner that is more or less outgoing than you? Or the same? Having a more extroverted partner can build for a more fun and exciting friendship, but having an introverted friend or partner can mean safety, comfort, and a peaceful, harmonious connection.

Having an extroverted friend can mean sometimes having to deal with crazy whims and unexpected surprises, slightly outside your comfort zone. Having a more introverted partner can mean having to deal with some boredom, as they may need more downtime and might be more cautious.

Would you like to have a partner that has similar interests and hobbies to you, or would you rather have a partner that will get you outside your comfort zone, showing you new things and teaching you about things you didn’t know? Having an intuitive friend can mean a more culturally stimulating, intellectual pairing, of interesting conversations and philosophical discussion. Having a more sensory friend can mean a more down to earth friendship, where you can vibe on sports, popular culture, partying or going on fun trips together.

Would you want a friend that shares your values and has similar political views or beliefs to your own? Or would you like someone that would challenge you to think about things from a different perspective? Having a friend that is a Feeling type can mean having a passionate pairing, with someone idealistic, romantic, and hopeful. While they might sometimes be prone to melancholy, or passionate outbursts against the government, the system, or injustice, Feeling friends ar fun and warm people. Having a friend that is a Thinking type, on the other hand, can mean having a logical, intelligent friend, who enjoys a good argument, critical analysis, and discussions that are true to the facts and based in something objective or measurable. A thinking friend might find it harder to show empathy, and a Feeling friend might find it hard to offer critical feedback.

Finally, would you like a Judging or Perceiving friend or partner? Having a friend that is a Judging type can mean having a consistent, loyal partner. They might push you to commit on dates and timelines, and they might need more detail and preparation, but they also offer more structure, order, and planning. It can be hard to discuss with a Judging type as they can get inflexible at times, so perhaps a Perceiving friend could be an option? Perceivers are more open on timelines, dates, and specifics. They’re more open to adapt to the situation and to be spontaneous. But they might find it hard to committ and may be a little more unreliable. On the good part, they’ll be more likely to think outside the box. On the Judging types pros, is their ability to think ahead.

What cognitive functions do you value the most?

Another factor to consider is the Jungian Cognitive Functions. Which cognitive functions do you appreciate the most?

The Introverted iNtuitive Partner or Friend

An introverted iNtuitive dominant friend might be an interesting choice. They’re contemplative, deep, and existentially inclined. They like to visualize and think about the future. They are highly focused people, inattentive to their surroundings, but able to direct 100% of their attention to their favourite interests or hobbies. They are often visionaries and philosophers, or sages, people that can imagine and speculate on what will happen in the future. As friends, you’ll find them to be thoughtful, considerate, and highly original people. They see what most others miss. Their gift for focus has a downside. They may develop a tunnelvision. Creative friends who help them see new perspectives can help them avoid blocks and intellectual stagnation.

The Extroverted Sensing Partner or Friend

An Extroverted Sensory partner might be fun, spontaneous, and sometimes impulsive. They rush in without thinking, and speak their mind freely, offering fun surprises and unexpected thrills. They are passionate and lustful people that live fully and do everything with 100% attention. Few things escape their notice, and they’re attentive to your body language, vibes, and choice of words. They might be a little thoughtless or inconsiderate at times, as they might miss what is under the surface. They need friends that are secure, people they can count on if they make a mistake, which they often do, but that’s part of their charm!

The Extroverted iNtuitive Partner or Friend

The Extroverted iNtuitive pairing is a fun and stimulating one. Extroverted iNtuitives are creative, chaotic, and slightly whimsical. You might not always know how they arrive at the conclusions they do. They think outside the box and often choose unexpected routes. They may sometimes struggle to show discipline and follow through. They may be inconsistent or unreliable at times, but they make up for it in the moment. If you let them do things their way and can adjust to their rhythm, you’ll be rewarded tenfold. They may need thoughtful and considerate friends, who give them room to try new things and don’t try to hold on too tight.

The Introverted Sensing Partner or Friend

The Introverted Sensory partner is secure, comfortable, and easy to deal with. This is the no-bullshit friend that is always there for you when you need. If you have a bad day, they’ll come to your aid, and expect you to do the same for them. They’re loyal and reliable, and always prepared for anything. They are usually well read and knowledgeable about their key hobbies or passions, but can sometimes struggle to think outside the box, or adjust to the unexpected. They need time to get used to change. They may need spontaneous friends that get them to stop thinking or overanalyzing situations.

The Introverted Feeling Partner or Friend

An Introverted Feeling dominant will be sweet, considerate, and easygoing. This is the no-pressure, accepting friend, that always offers you a listening ear. Individualistic, and artistic, they are romantics that see the best in everyone. Seeking harmony and peace, Introverted Feeling types are dreamers. They may take a while to open up to others, and can be picky with real, deep friendships, so if you make a friend with this type, you can trust it’s because they trust you. They need friends that are warm and passionate, and who will be their advocates, because they can find it hard to speak up for their own needs.

The Introverted Thinking Partner or Friend

An Introverted Thinking partner or friend will be a critical, analytical friend, who is able to offer helpful insight and problem-solving. They can listen to your situation and think objectively about what the right thing to do is. They can debate and discuss your thoughts and share alternative perspectives. They might struggle to show warmth or care openly or publically, but these are types that bond with their mind. If they share their thoughts with you, that’s because they trust you and respect your mind and viewpoint. They need quick-thinking and slightly more aggressive friends, that can get them out of their comfort zone and help push and motivate them.

The Extroverted Thinking Partner or Friend

Extroverted Thinking dominant types are typically headstrong, fierce, and passionate friends. They’re your warrior or champion who will always stand up for you for others. As friends or partners, they are driven and ambitious, and give their all to the projects they work on. They are also highly resourceful, and able to come up with strategic ways to get what they want. At times, they might be inconsiderate, or they might rush forward in a situation, and forget to ask your advice or views. They need intelligent friends or at least people that trust and respect them and their way.

The Extroverted Feeling Partner or Friend

This friend will be warm-hearted, passionate, and generous. You’ll be surprised by how open, and how quickly, this partner is able to open up to you and to share their gifts with you. This type genuinely wants to help others, and loves to help people in need. They love to support other people in their projects and feel at their best when they are able to work together with others to reach their goals. But they might struggle to share their problems and to be vulnerable with you. It may take vulnerability for them to open up about issues they have, and to be honest about issues or conflicts they might have with you. They need an open and supportive space, so try to show that you are open to them and care for their advice and help.

Which cognitive function is your favourite? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments down below!


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