What are the Personality Types of the characters in the Lord of The Rings? My name is Erik Thor and I tried to figure this one out by looking at each character’s values and motivations. Some character’s were more easy, some more difficult.
Here’s my test if you’re curious which one you are, by the way!
Some of these people will surprise you, others should make a lot more sense. Let me know which one’s you agree with or if I missed to type someone you’re curious about!

Frodo (ENFP)

Galadriel (INFJ)

Arwen (INFP)

Aragorn (ENFJ)

Bilbo (ENTP)

Gandalf (INTJ)

Elrond (INTP)

Sauron (ENTJ)

Boromir (ESFP)

Sam (ISFJ)

Pippin (ISFP)

Legolas (ESFJ)
Archetopias.com / Erik Thor

Gimli (ESTP)

Saruman (ISTJ)

Merry (ISTP)

Smaug (ESTJ)

Frodo ENFP
“Alright, keep your secrets.”
Travelling to new worlds and distant places because it is your purpose and because nobody but you can face it. He has light feet and an unwavering enthusiasm and hope where most others would give up.

Samwise (ISFJ)
“Don’t you lose him, Sam!”
Staying loyal to your friends no matter what. Challenging lies and deceitful people and seeing through manipulation. Being reliable and trustworthy.

Gandalf (INTJ)
“A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early; he arrives precisely when he means to.”
Always completely in control of his own powers and wit and choosing to act with care and caution, Gandalf is the first to discover the truth about Mordor and to act even when nobody else believes him.

Gimli (ESTP)
Hammer and tongs! I am so torn between rage and joy, that if I do not burst, it will be a marvel
Gimli loves good banter and arguments between friends. He will do anything to achieve his goals and loves competition and a chance to prove his wits and powers to others.

Legolas (ESFJ)
This forest is old. Very old. Full of memories… and anger.
Legolas is not just caring but also capable of protecting and supporting his friends. He is highly attuned to the emotions of others.

Aragorn (ENFJ)
Aragorn like Legolas is a protector but also a wanderer, but not all who wonder are lost. Aragorn is on a quest to find himself and has a clear vision for his life. He only accepts power and leadership when he believes he has proven to be worthy of it.

Merry (ISTP)
“It was a compliment, and so, not true.”
Merry is described as perceptive, intelligent, and knowledgeable.

Saruman ISTJ
I gave you the chance of aiding me willingly, but you have elected the way of pain!
Focused on preserving his power and doing what he can to remain in control in an age of decline facing certain doom.

Bilbo (ENTP)
โGo back?โ he thought. โNo good at all! Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!โ
Clever, courageous, inspiring and honest. Bilbo speaks frankly and is not afraid to hurt anyone’s feelings. He has no power, so he must rely on his wit to survive.

Boromir (ESFP)
Have you ever seen it, Aragorn? The White Tower of Ecthelion, glimmering like a spike of pearl and silver, its banners caught high in the morning breeze. Have you ever been called home by the clear ringing of silver trumpets?
Boromir secretly longs for the stage and wants to be the leader his father wants him to be. He dreams of glory and recognition from his peers but struggles with his lust for the ring.

Galadriel (INFJ)
All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us
Galadriel only shows her power when it is necessary, and instead uses her strength to guide and aid others.

Arwen (INFP)
It is mine to give to whom I will, like my heart.
Arwen does what she thinks is right, and cannot be swayed or manipulated by anyone.

Pippin (ISFP)
“We hobbits ought to stick together, and we will. I shall go, unless they chain me up. There must be someone with intelligence in the party”
Cheerful, innocent and sometimes a bit clumsy. Pippin is often the first to accidentally stumble over a rock but also the one to persuade the Treants to go to war.
How would you type them? Who is your favourite character in lord of the rings?