Home | The personality types in numbers

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

The personality types in numbers

My personality test not only demonstrates astoundingly strong statistics and proof of 16 different personality types but also reveals a connection between personality type and cognitive function use. In today’s article, we are looking at some of the 16 personality types in statistics and seeing what the average version of each personality type looks like. We are also going to discuss just why my personality test is so effective in predicting your flow type.

My personality test is a cognitive function test that gives a dichotomy result. Every single question measures for one cognitive function. You will get a score on the dichotomies based on a unique weighing algorithm that I invented. This means anyone who has a high score on Introverted iNtuition will get a higher result on Introversion and iNtuition.

The Average INFJ

If you got the INFJ personality type you will show a result on average like this:

The Average ESTP

To no surprise, the average ESTP is on average one of the more assertive personality types, and INFJs are among the top 5 least assertive personality types.

The Average INFJ in Cognitive Functions

The Average ESTP Cognitive Functions

Looking at these numbers, we can learn a lot of interesting things. First, there is a demonstrable relationship between your personality type dichotomies, and which cognitive functions you use. This means, for example, that an INFJ has a comparatively high Introverted iNtuition (Ni), and a reasonably strong Extroverted Feeling (Fe). Similarly, an ESTP has a strong Extroverted Sensing and a relatively strong Introverted Thinking. The statistics to support this are extremely strong and to me proof that there is something to the idea of Carl Jung’s eight cognitive functions.

How did I make such a strong personality test?

My personality test is data-driven which means I test every single question based on how well it performs on each personality type. If I can see that an ESTP answers a high number on a question meant to measure Introverted iNtuition, that is proof that the question is not working. If they answer low on question number two, which is meant for Introverted iNtuition, that’s a good sign. 2 is a strong result, 2,5 is acceptable, 3 could be better. I use trial and error to find the best questions to ask and to make sure the questions are working as intended.

Flow Type 2 Ni9 Ne10 Ne17 Si18 Si1 Ni25 Se26 Se

Here you see the results for Feeling and Thinking functions.

Flow Type5 Fi6 Fi13 Ti14 Ti21 Fe22 Fe29 Te

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