• What is an ENFPs Core Values?

    You can find out an ENFPs core values by grouping all their letters together two and two. This way, you can also see how your values compare to other personality types. You’ll find you have some similarities with ENFJs, and some with INFPs, and some with INTPs. Extroversion and iNtuition or iNtuition and Perceiving or…

  • INFJ – ENFP Relationship

    Happily engaged to an ENFP since this Sunday and excited for the future together. If you are two people with different temperaments and similar worldviews, there is lots of potential for growth. NF High five!

  • Why I Love My ENFP as an INFJ

    What is it like to date an ENFP as an INFJ? And what can you expect as a potential partner of an ENFP? In today’s article, I talk about the ENFP and INFJ relationship and what ENFP love is like. ENFPs represent the spirit archetype of change. They are catalysts that always look at opportunities…

  • ENFP Relationships

    Top ENFP matches Erikthor.com/enfp-relationships Which personality types match best with ENFPs? ENFP Relationships Does the ENFP INFJ Relationship work? INFJs and ENFPs tend to be very similar in terms of what lifestyle and hobbies they enjoy. Both are also very good at supporting. the other person. You tend to know just the right thing to…

  • The ENFP Manic Pixie Dream Girl

    The problem with the ENFP Stereotype Actually, on a really good day, an ENFP may even relate a little to the reckless stereotypes painted in the left in red. Sometimes they can truly let go of all inhibitions and worries. They’ll be sharing fully of themselves and opening up to those around them. But most…

  • ENFP – The Elves

    ENFP – The Elves: Understanding ENFP Personality Traits

  • ENFP Social Anxiety & ENFP Shyness

    Why Are ENFPs Shy? A lot of ENFPs state that they suffer from being shy or having social anxiety. Social anxiety is very different from being introverted, because the person may want to go out and do things, but feel they can’t because they don’t dare to or because they feel anxious in social situations.…

  • ENFP and INFJ Relationships

    The Mirror Relationship This is a video/article request from Becky, one of my newest supporters on Patreon. Like in Socionics, I describe the ENFP and INFJ relationship as a mirror relationship, or a relationship between two types that come at the same problem from a different dimension. There is a big likemindedness from the two…

  • INFP vs ENFP

    ENFP Personality Type Description INFP Personality Type Description Sometimes, it’s hard to tell apart an INFP from an ENFP. So INFP vs ENFP, what is the difference? Listen to these stories. ENFP vs INFP It’s not about being outgoing. Introverts can be just as outspoken as extraverts. Especially if they want to spread understanding or…

  • The ENFP Badass Gene – Hidden ENFP Characteristics

    As an ENFP Campaigner, you are not just brave, but also bold in pursuing and realising your ideas and values. ENFPs are far from soft. You aim for truth and honesty, but you are not afraid of stepping on people’s toes when standing up for what is right. This is because you have the badass…