Home | ENFP Big Five

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

ENFP Big Five

Learn more about ENFPs

How does the average ENFP score on the Big Five/OCEAN?

ENFP Big Five scores at erikthor.com

How does the ENFP Big Five compare to the average person?

ENFPs are less outgoing, score higher on openness, are less agreeable, less conscientious, and more neurotic than the average person.

Are ENFPs Reserved or shy?

No, most ENFPs are either reserved or at least shy in social settings.

Do ENFPs have high openness?

Yes, most ENFPs score above average on openness.

Are ENFPs agreeable?

Yes, ENFPs do not score high on agreeableness.

Are ENFPs conscientious?

ENFPs have a low to average score on conscientiousness.

Are ENFPs neurotic?

Based on my personality test surveys, ENFPs score higher on neuroticism than the average person.

What is your Big Five? Share your results in the comments below!

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