Home | Part one: How Does Each Type Learn Differently?

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

Part one: How Does Each Type Learn Differently?

I am here today to discuss how each type can best learn and improve in their area of expertise. Perhaps you’ve taken our eight intelligences test and learnt your top two intelligences? FJ or FP? ES or EN? Depending on your type, you have different learning preferences, and you will find that some environments are more beneficial to learning than others. So what does your ideal classroom look like and how can you find flow while you learn new things?
how does each type learn differently
I think one of the core goals for a Neojungian is to change the education systems out there so that each person is made aware of how they learn best and that each type is able to respect and see through their own unique learning style. But there are also certain things to take into mind when teaching each personality type.

How can a teacher adjust when each type learns differently?

The key to learning is to have fun: which means, in a positive learning environment, all types are having fun. If you’re shutting people down from being themselves or expressing who they are, you’re killing their motivation, and you risk losing their interest. The key to being a good teacher is to learn to facilitate and motivate each type to learn. A teacher needs to practice a versatile education style, fit for everyone’s positive needs. Finally, a teacher needs to show that what they teach is meaningful for each type.
Let’s move on to talk about how your type learns best. These definitions are by no means the “final” and one-size-fits all best ways to teach your students. You will need to learn yourself what works and what doesn’t work in your classroom. But these will hopefully give you a lot of inspiration to be one of the best teachers in your field.

Teaching an XXFJ – Performer type

ENFJ, INFJ, ESFJ and ISFJ alike share this performer-style of learning.

  • A performer needs to be able to express themselves to learn. They learn through speaking out, interacting, and delivering a message related to what you’re trying to teach.
  • A performer is the most challenged when they get to see others reactions and opinions to what they say and do. Review the performer’s quality of performance and give them clear indications on when something is funny, positive, or well done.
  • Try to put them in a political teaching environment where they can argue, speak out, and discuss their theories and presentations with others.

Teaching an XXFP – Reporter type

ISFP, ESFP, INFP and ENFP all share this learning style.

  • A reporter excels at reviewing information, giving their opinion or thoughts on a piece that someone else has delivered. Ask them to share and summarize what others have said and to present people’s pieces in a positive and balanced way.
  • A reporter is most challenged when they can look at people’s performances, seminars, speeches, and presentations. Ask them to ask questions and to evaluate and share what they find most positive, funny, or interesting.
  • Try to put them in a journalistic teaching environment where they can write and take photos and interview people relevant to the subject they learn about.

Teaching a XXTJ – Architect type

ENTJ, ISTJ, ESTJ and INTJ all share this learning preference.

  • Let the architect come up with their own way to solve a problem or to answer a question in school. Ask them to schedule and organize their work. Ask them to come up with rules and criteria so that they can grade themselves and others.
  • An architect is most challenged when their methods and steps to solve problems are questioned. Have others evaluate their work and how well it achieved their goals, and ask others to point out flaws and strengths in their projects.
  • Try to put them in a problem-solving teaching environment where they can cooperate with others to come up with rules, procedures, and ways to organize the classroom in a smart way.

Teaching an XXTP – Hacker type

ENTP, INTP, ESTP and ISTP all share this style of learning. What does it mean?

  • A hacker learns best when they can ask frequent questions. Let them search for loopholes, issues, and faults in a schoolbook, an exam, a news source or in how someone solves a problem.
  • Challenge their ability to evaluate fake from real news and research stories. Ask them to find problems and flaws in research, and get them to evaluate the authenticity of a history article.
  • Try to put them in a research-oriented teaching environment where they can ask questions and work together with others to find out the “true story” behind the story.

Teaching an ENXX – Detective type

ENFP, ENTP, ENFJ and ENTJ all share this style of learning.

  • A detective learns best when they can search for missing information, problems, and hidden patterns. Leave information out for them to find. Don’t give them all the information at once. Give them mysteries and puzzles to solve.
  • A detective is the most challenged when you can give them mysteries and puzzles to solve. Show them a set of theories or philosophies in research and let them find ways to implement the theory to understand real life situations.
  • Try to put them in a puzzle-oriented learning environment. Always leave things missing for them to solve. Let them bend and try out new things. Ask them to look at things in a new or unique way.

Teaching an INXX – Philosopher type

INTJ, INFJ, INFP and INTP all share this style of learning.

  • A philosopher learns best when they can come up with theories and philosophies to solve issues in science, art, or in our culture. Give them ethical dilemmas and scientific problems and ask them to come up with answers.
  • Challenge a philosopher by showing them seemingly contradictory information. Put them in environments with many possibilities and ask them to find a way forward or a way to understand and systematize all this information in a smart way.
  • Try to put them in a philosophical learning environment. Always inspire them to ask questions and to search for answers.

Teaching an ESXX – Scout type

ESFP, ESTP, ESFJ, and ESTJ all share this way of learning.

  • A scout learns best in an open classroom where they can move and explore freely. Let them try, hold, touch, and practice things before you explain it to them. Ask them to describe what they see or what they read in a book. Have them read out loud.
  • Challenge a scout by asking others to remember what the scout said or did. What sticks and what doesn’t stick? What was it the scout learned or saw that was most important or interesting?
  • Try to put them in an open learning environment where they can read, share, and describe the things they’re learning or seeing in rich detail. Have others do the same to compare and contrast experiences.

Teaching an ISXX – Historian type

ISTJ, ISFJ, ISTP and ISFP all learn in this unique way.

  • A historian learns best in a classroom where they can study the world from a critical distance. Let them describe and summarize what they have learnt and seen in others. Ask them to share what they remember the most at the end of a course, or to repeat or remake something they did earlier in the course.
  • Challenge a historian by having other peopleย describe, touch, and evaluate and question the things the historian knows. Let the historian “teach” the others about the course you’ve just had, and have others ask them questions.
  • The historian works best in an environment where they can take their time to master and practice something until it sticks and until they feel comfortable with it.

Mastering a way to help each type learn differentlyย is hard work. It requires that you’re open to and ready to try new things, and that you’re collaborating with the students, helping them teach themselves. The number one most important thing you need to do is to make sure everyone knows how they learn best and that you can make sure that the students themselves do their best to learn and motivate themselves.
This is by the way just part one. Part two will cover how you can teach idealists (NF), communitarians (SF), rationals (NT), and traditionals (ST), as well as how you can teach leaders (IJ), executives (EJ), advisors (IP) and explorers (EP) best.


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