Home | Neojungian Typology

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

Neojungian Typology

Neojungian Typology

This is my outline of the terminology that I use to understand the different personality types.

Flow: A state of:





We experience flow when we A) Feel comfortable doing an activity B) Get energy from doing something C) Perceive the activity as meaningful/important and D) Feel in control of what we are doing. 

My model is centered on understanding the relationship between personality type and flow. I want to outline what a personality type converges on (actively seeks out and values and tries to hold on to) vs what they diverge from (avoid dealing with, unless they must, and try to get rid off if they can) 





Lack of control

Flow functions:

Functions that trigger a state of flow

Personality traits

To be an introvert means to have an internal frame of reference that you seek to implement in the world around you. 

To be an extrovert means to seek external stimulation that will give you experience and knowledge.

The iNtuitive type is a cerebral type dominated by the act of using language and visual imagery to explain the physical reality.

The Sensory type is a kinaesthetic type driven to use physical reality to explain language and images.

Feeling types represent a mainly visual type that perceives the world in vibes, energies and images

Thinking types are mainly linguistic types that primarily seek to understand the world through language and words.

Judging types are known for high focus and slow task-switching

Perceiving types are represented by high adaptability and low focus

Introversion: Patience

Extroversion: Initiative

Intuition: Cerebral

Sensing: Physical

Feeling: Visual

Thinking: Linguistic

Judging: Control

Perceiving: Adaptability

Personality Types

INFJCerebral/Visual ControlENFPCerebral/Visual Adaptability
INFPVisual/Cerebral PatienceENFJVisual/Cerebral Initiative
INTPLinguistic/Cerebral PatienceENTJLinguistic/Cerebral Initiative
INTJCerebral/Linguistic ControlENTPCerebral/Linguistic Adaptability
ISTJKinaesthetic/Linguistic ControlESTPKinaesthetic/Linguistic Adaptability
ISTPLinguistic/Kinaesthetic PatienceESTJLinguistic/Kinaesthetic Initiative
ISFPVisual/Kinaesthetic PatienceESFJVisual/Kinaesthetic Initiative
ISFJKinaesthetic/Visual ControlESFPKinaesthetic/Visual Adaptability

Stability and mood

I/E: Comfort/Discomfort
N/S: Energy/Lethargy

F/T: Meaning/Meaninglessness

J/P: Control/Lack of control

Initiative and the act of taking initiative is what helps the Extrovert maintain a calm and steady mental frame, while slowing down and taking time to process can bring a feeling of discomfort or a feeling of being stuck, to the extrovert.

Patience and the ability to take time at an activity is highly comforting for an introvert as this allows them to build up a feeling of certainty and control over what they are doing. Having to rush or complete a task quickly can cause the introvert to feel strong discomfort.

The iNtuitive type gets energy from being able to change or reinterpret the material world through the use of their mind. They lose energy when they have to adjust their ideas and expectations to conform to the material world.

A Sensory type gets energy when their physical experience is able to change and shift their consciousness and mental framework. Experiences have to be meaningful and thought provoking. They lose energy when they have to adjust their situation and lifestyle to fit with new ideas and possibilities.

The Feeling type values finding the right word or phrase to explain what they see with their imagination. The Thinking types prefer a more logical approach, seeking to master the world through reason first. 

The Judging type values being able to use goals and strategies to reach targets and possibilities, whereas the Perceiving type prefers a more open approach, working through different targets that will help them get closer to completing a goal or project.


IXXJ: Stoic

EXXJ: Modernist

EXXP: Existentialist

IXXP: Melancholic


Ni: Taking own conceptual knowledge and applying it to understand the world

Ne: Studying patterns to formulate concepts and theories

Fi: Taking personal experiences and using it to connect with others

Fe: Studying people in order to formulate values and beliefs

Ti: Coming up with a methodology or principle to examine a system
Te: Studying systems in order to understand how they work

Si: Using experience to navigate a situation
Se: Using a situation and practice to gain experience 

Summary words

Introverted iNtuition (Ni): Focus: The Reformer

Extroverted iNtuition (Ne): Learning: The Explorer

Extroverted Sensing (Se): Doing: The Performer

Introverted Sensing (Si): Maintaining: The Builder

Introverted Thinking (Ti): Explaining: The Scientist

Extroverted Thinking (Te): Producing: The Ruler

Extroverted Feeling (Fe): Expressing: The Diplomat

Introverted Feeling (Fi): Evaluating: The Counsellor


Assertive: Confidence

Turbulent: Anxiety 

Positive: Passion

Negative: Detachment

A+: Flow

A-: Autopilot

T+: Inspiration

T-: Stress

Function stack:


Internalised (Part of ones identity)

Convergent (Intrinsically valued – but protective of)

1: Performative

2: Aspirational

Divergent (Valued as a tool – avoided as a potential punishment)

3: Iterational

4: Conservational

Externalised (Ones projected reality)


5: Inspirational

6: Supporting


7: Judgement

8: Wisdom

The first function we develop is our dominant flow function. This function serves a crucial role in establishing our basic most primitive sense of self and identity. In this state, we have a very instinctive and archaic understanding of the world. In short, our only basic impulse is to do or to be.

Our second function we develop represents our ideal self, our awareness of who we want to become and what we want to achieve. Here, we fixate on a childhood utopia, or ideal of what things are and can be at their very best.

The third function that is developed represents our most instinctive, aggressive version of ourselves, what we believe we need to do in order to realise our ideals. 

Our fourth function represents our awareness of boundaries and limitations and what we can and cannot do. Developing this function helps us develop a sense of what our capabilities are and makes us more careful with how we express and use our energy.

The fifth function leads to transformation, we are no longer alone in the universe and we learn we need to open our eyes to the world around us.

Our sixth function teaches us self-reliance and our possibilities if we can learn to support and care for ourselves. In this stage, we become our own parents, and learn to take care of our primary needs.

The seventh function teaches us to become our own judges and to hold ourselves to a solid compass and standards. We practice judgement here so that we can guide ourselves and others to the right destination.

Finally, the eight function teaches us wisdom. 

  • The first function is internalised, the second is externalised. You can describe the first function as how you present yourself to yourself, and the second, externalised function as how you present yourself to the world. 


The Philosopher Hero

The Diplomat Ideal

The Scientist Student
The Performer Guardian
The Explorer Muse
The Counsellor Sidekick

The Ruler Mentor

The Builder Rival


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