Home | My new Enneagram Test

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

My new Enneagram Test

I was finally able to create a smart way to test for people’s Enneagram Types. Using the three centres, the instincts, and three attachment styles as inspiration, I was able to create an Enneagram Test!

Take The New Enneagram Test


The twelve types

In the test, you can either be sorted into one of nine numbers or 3 possible instincts. The test does currently not give you a tritype but rather focuses on pinpointing your strongest number. The three centres are: The Head, The Gut, and The Heart. Those who are ruled by the heart are more focused on finding love, having a passion or a purpose.

Those who are dominated by the head are more focused on finding satisfaction through gaining competence and understanding. Finally, those who test strongest for the Gut centre are more focused on becoming successful, being useful, or improving your situation in some manner.

I added the three instincts to the system as an additional ‘fourth’ centre. It represents those who seek comfort, having a nice home, friends, family and perhaps a partner or someone they can be close with. Someone who wishes to enjoy life.

The Three Attachment Styles

If you have an attached style, you are attached to and directly identify with the priorities of your centre and pursue them directly. You seek to feel the emotion associated with the centre and to experience it as much as possible.

If you have an avoidant style, on the other hand, you avoid feeling or identifying too much with these priorities. You try to distance yourself from them so you can understand them better and pursue them in a more deliberate and controlled manner.

If you have an ambivalent style, you are more uncertain about how you want to achieve the priorities of your centre or how you feel about them. You doubt what to do or how to move forward or whether to pull back and so tend to switch readily between both strategies.

Quick Examples

A nine is success ambivalent. They are often described as passive, carefree and easygoing types. They try to adjust to everyone’s expectations and to meet all external demands on them, often at the same time. Because they are ambivalent, they tend to never be sure of anything.

A four is pride-avoidant. They don’t want to conform or try to please other people. They are individualistic and often artistic. 4s want to have a purpose or a passion or a cause to devote themselves to.

A seven is satisfaction-seeking. They are generally very secure in themselves and their abilities. They often overestimate their abilities and feel very competent and able. They’ll say they can do anything, because their attitude is “I can learn it as I go.”

Learn more about the Enneagram!


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