What is the MBTI 16 Personalities model and how do you find out your personality type in the MBTI? The MBTI or 16Personalities system in popular tongue is a system that describes 16 personality types based on finding out your unique mix of personality traits.
Most people tend to have relatively consistent hobbies and interests throughout life and few ‘change’ their personality type in an extreme or dramatic way. This makes personality psychology an attractive field to study, as it can help you predict human behaviour and better understand human needs and values.ย
My addition to the field of personality psychology is flow psychology. I have come to study personality psychology based on how people are in a positive state of flow, when they feel more motivated, energetic, and emotionally stable. That means my model is less useful for understanding extremely unhealthy or emotionally unstable individuals.ย
What is your MBTI Type?
Discover the magic of personality psychology and begin to explore who you really are!
The Extrovert (Initiative)
Initiative refers to your ability to take action in the moment and to respond to external stimuli quickly. Initiative can be to your benefit in quick-paced environments. More negatively, it can be to your detriment in slow-paced environments that require patience. Waiting too long can cause you anxiety or boredom, as it is important for you to feel like things are moving forward in your life
The Introvert (Patience)
Introverts tend to have higher patience. They choose a slow, tried-and-true strategy. They respond more cautiously to new situations. As an introvert, you prefer to wait and see how things will progress, preferring to analyse different outcomes in depth before taking action. If you are forced to rush a situation, you may start to feel more stressed and/or anxious. But if it is a fun activity, you may still experience a sense of thrill.
The Sensor (Grit)
Sensing types prefer to respond to life in a concrete manner, choosing a tested-and-true approach. These types are typically pragmatic and will observe their environment to learn how things work. They are also adaptive and can improvise a simple solution on the spot. As a Sensory type, you prefer things to be straightforward and you find complicated or abstract approaches to be boring or tedious.
The iNtuitive (Creator)
As an iNtuitive, you respond more positively to novelty. Creative activities give you energy. You prefer to create new processes and to deal with more abstract or theoretical concepts. iNtuitives often like to start on new projects, but you may lack on follow through and self-discipline. You don’t always finish what you start. Intuitive types learn faster but show less diligence when studying. They think more outof the box but can be inconsistent and fail to follow proper procedures.
The Feeler (Benevolent)
Feeling types do better in collaborative or social activities. They respond more interpersonally to a situation and prefer to deal with a situation through empathy. Feeling types can struggle to think critically about a situation and find conflict and competition to be demotivating.
They are most motivated by social causes and the feeling of doing something good for others. Feeling types often struggle to consider their own needs and tend to neglect practical matters in life.
The Thinker (Perfectionist)
Thinking types respond to life critically, looking at it as a problem to be solved. You spot challenges and issues around you and see what you can do to make things better. Thinking types can struggle to cooperate with other people. They may want to do things “themselves”.
They can be very focused on work and doing something and can struggle to process the experiences they are having. As a Thinking type, you may sometimes struggle with perfectionism. You may have a feeling that things should always work better, faster, and more efficiently.
The Perceiver (Free-spirit)
Perceiving types think in terms of short-term targets and options. They think about how they can adapt in the situation, looking at available options and alternatives. Perceiving types keep their mind open to change and try to stay flexible.
They don’t like constraints and strict commitments. You prefer when things are open and when you can improvise during the day. As a perceiving type, you may feel happier and more engaged in fast-paced environments. You also respond better to having freedom and prefer when you can work unsupervised.
The Judger (Leader)
To know the answer to this case you have to understand first the dichotomies, and secondly, the cognitive functions. Finally, you can begin to understand how different cognitive functions interact inside an individual to form an identity, and finally how your personality changes depending on flow, stress, or a moment of inspiration.
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