Our instincts tell us about our environment. It is how we emotionally experience our perception and our surroundings. When we are hit with new information, we experience emotionally, the energy and the stress of this situation. Certain situations will make us relax and others will make us tense up. Some situations will engage us and draw our interest, others will bore us and cause us to lose energy.

What are the instincts?
Some types are most likely to focus on their experience of their self. These people will often focus on their “story” or “journey” – who am I, where am I headed, what am I? I have always felt I was very self-oriented.ย
Other types will focus on their experience of others. They are most engaged by their community, the people, and their experiences of other people.ย
Some I have met are very socially oriented, their main focus is on the community and what people say and do. I am very self-oriented, so this can be difficult for me to understand. These instincts help us navigate our surroundings. You act differently at home than you do around people.ย
I also know a lot of people who are more home oriented. They have a strong territory and mainly focus on their material environment, becoming comfortable, and protecting what they have.ย
Navigation Types
Our navigation style reflects how we want our environment to look. We may have opinions on how our environment should work and function. We may think of changes to make in the place we are. We may have a vision for where to go over time. Our instincts are meant to support us with information about where to go and how to move from where we are.
Almost all actions we take in the moment are made on instinct, we sense something is a certain way, and then we act in accordance with how we want this certain something to be. For example, our instincts can make us feel at home somewhere, and our navigation style will tell us what home means to us. A sensing judging type may say “My home is where I have stability and where everything is where I want it to be.” An intuitive perceiving type might say “My home looks different every time I open the door.”
Intuitive Judging Types
Self visions:ย I have extremely strong and profound ideas for my future and for my long-term goals. My intuitive judging function is mostly manifested in thinking about my own ideas and how I can best realize them.
Community visions:ย These types tend to have grand ideas for other people, seeing how their community could improve and working long-term to transform their social environment, improving the life of friends, family.
Societal visions:ย I find these types to have a kind of vision or utopia in their mind for the material society, using intuitive judging to think about the material world and how it could operate better.
Home Visions:ย These types tend to work long-term to improve their material environment or territory, thinking about improvements to their home and to their current situation, working long-term towards increasing their comfort.
Intuitive Perceiving Types
Self change:ย I see these types having lots of ideas for themselves and their own life. They see themselves in high richness, thinking of different options and considering different versions of themselves.ย
Community change:ย These types have lots of ideas and feedback to offer to their friends and family. They can always think of new things you could try or do and usually have suggestions to offer when you need it.
Societal change:ย These types are often rebellious and use intuitive perceiving to transform society, thinking about how it could be different, and different ways they could change their situation.
Home change:ย I see these types mainly working on their home and their material environment, looking at new things they could buy or get or what they could do differently at home.
Sensing Perceiving Types
Self Action:ย I believe this type is very focused on taking individual action towards something, looking at what they personally could do about something or how they could respond to what is happening around them.
Community action:ย These types tend to always like to spark action around them, liking to engage people and to get people moving. They dislike when people lay about or lazy around and want people to do things with them.
Societal action:ย These types are focused on keeping the society, business, or material world around them active and engaging. They want society to be spontaneous and responsive to nature and actions around them.
Home action:ย I think you will find these types to be most engaged with fun things to do at home and ways to keep their home interesting and engaging and stimulating.
Sensing Judging Types
Self-discipline types:ย I have observed these types to be more focused on disciplining themselves than other people. They go to the gym every day, or work on their personal routine and how they do things, but they do not mind what other people do and do not feel a need to discipline or organize society in any way.
Community order types:ย You will find these types to be more focused on social protocols and social order. They have a strong idea for when or how we should talk and interact with each other. It is important for them that their friends are on time.
Societal organizers:ย The societal organizers tend to focus on how society should be organized and structured. They focus on making sure society adheres to a certain order and that things work timely and smoothly. They become annoyed when things do not run on time.
Home structure:ย When a sensing and judging type is more home oriented, they are more focused on having a neat and tidy environment around them. They want to eat and sleep at certain times and they get annoyed when their routine is threatened.ย