Home | This Is How I’m Trying To Change How You See The Cognitive Functions

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

This Is How I’m Trying To Change How You See The Cognitive Functions

Neojungian Typology will change how you look at your personality and how you think. Here’s how.

I made these changes to clarify why a person would come to prefer intuition over sensing, or thinking over feeling. 

  • The neojungian system is based on flow rather than current behaviour, helping you shift from identifying your current state, to identifying your ideal state.
  • The neojungian system is more dynamic in the sense that it encourages you to see how you have personally developed within your personality type. Perhaps an overuse of sensing has caused you to feel drained of energy, or perhaps because you can’t use your thinking, you experience a lack of passion.

Here I determine that extraverted or overly adaptable behaviour in an INTJ will lead to higher than average stress and anxiety. However, I will often argue that this can bring growth.

Thanks to the works of Beebe and Personality Hacker we can now understand the cognitive functions a lot better than we used to.

In bold are the four functions that we often talk about when we talk about INTJs. See how it is within the INTJs comfort zone to use introverted feeling, even though feeling acts like a block that keeps the INTJ from growth.
Notice how extraverted thinking – the co-pilot – requires the INTJ to go outside their own comfort zone. And notice extraverted sensing – because it makes an INTJ highly anxious and because it overwhelms them, this function will generally be used to lash out in a negative way, or it can be rushed and shallow.

Ideally our normal functions make us confident, but at times, we can be overconfident that we can solve a problem using our normal strategy. Overconfidence can inhibit growth. The autopilot is at risk of keeping you stuck in an old rut or in a negative loop. The inspired and stressed functions can drive growth or transformation. 

Joseph Campbell, author of “The Hero’s Journey” would say that most self-transformation projects would require us to leave our old comforts and beliefs and to respond to a challenge or a “call to action” that came from our unconscious muse. This is best represented by your inspirational functions, for the INTJ, extraverted intuition and extraverted thinking.
This would mean a great challenge, and a brief loss of identity. In the end, you should then find a heroic, natural way for you to respond to these challenges, reclaiming who you are. Not responding to the call would mean that you fell into the autopilot, same old, same old. Losing yourself in the process of responding to the challenge would mean becoming stressed or rushed, or falling in the grip of your inferior functions. Essentially, success here is the same as death of the old you – followed by rebirth, of the new, better you, a more accurate sense of self.
I made these changes to the MBTI to make the MBTI a more useful tool for coaching and self-development. If you’re interested in learning more I have plenty of articles here online as well as services and books.


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