Home | Enduring reality as an intuitive

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

Enduring reality as an intuitive

Recurring or repetitive information keeps bombarding us, dulling our mind. New information helps us build new pathways and learn new things. Intuitives thrive on novelty, making them more excited, and more mentally active. In general, intuitives have weaker attention spans than sensing types, and stop taking in information more quickly, there is a way to hijack your attention network. Thrill-seeking.

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Are intuitives more likely to be thrill seekers?

It’s often believed that sensor types are more prone to thrill-seeking behaviors. In reality, it’s been found that highly sensitive types are in the lead to being high sensation seekers. While in general, highly sensitive types are more likely to want to tune out of reality, going into their imagination, they also show a deeper processing of sensory stimulation, and a more refined response to it. Repeatedly tuning out of reality, or dissociating, and boredom are real problems for many intuitive types. It’s hard to stay alive in a dull or non-changing world, causing high sensation seeking to be a natural response for many intuitives.
High sensation seekers often balance between being painfully bored, and being so excited and so present their eyes might just pop out. To endure reality, and to feel alive and present, they need excitement and thrill. Without it, they would be jumping from point to point, restless, with no control. While in the old days, humans moved from point to point, today, we sit still more than ever, and our immobile world has become streamlined. We walk the same route to work every day. We sit at an office eight hours a day, and we commute. This is more than enough to put many intuitives into a state of perpetual autopilot, and it drives many to ask themselves some hard questions:

  • Is reality even real?
  • Does this world even exist?
  • What if all of this is just an illusion?
  • Do you wonder if all of this is just a dream?
  • Do you struggle to remember your day to day activities?

These are signs that you are an intuitive in the process of waking up from the autopilot, from the numbing effect of sensing. It doesn’t mean that you will wake up in the matrix, with a million needles into your body, only that you are becoming aware that you aren’t feeling alive, and that your life isn’t as fun as you wanted it to be. Consider this:

  • Do you feel that life is too repetitive?
  • Do you explore your curiosities enough?
  • Is there something you are afraid of doing, that you have been postponing?
  • Are you using drinking, coffee, and sugar to compensate for your lack of energy?
  • Are you stuck in a rut?



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