Home | Cognitive Function Subtypes

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

Cognitive Function Subtypes

What is your strongest cognitive function? The cognitive functions are combinations of different personality traits that together form new or unique traits. You can learn about the cognitive functions here. This article dives into the cognitive functions as extreme subtypes. These subtypes emerge as fixations with something.

What is your strongest cognitive function? The cognitive functions are combinations of different personality traits that together form new or unique traits. You can learn about the cognitive functions here. This article dives into the cognitive functions as extreme subtypes. These subtypes emerge as fixations with something.

Cognitive Function Subtypes

Introverted iNtuitives

Fixation: The Unknown

Can’t stop obsessing over life mysteries. Driven to formulate ideas and theories with increasing complexity. Rejects anything obvious. Inattentive to their surroundings, their attention is almost always focused on thoughts and problems of a mental nature.

  • Inattentive
  • Absent minded
  • Aloof, eccentric

Introverted Sensors

Fixation: The known

Can be highly suspicious. Wants to be proven right. Needs loyalty and security from other people. Want to know people can be depended on.

  • Stubborn
  • Sceptical
  • Set in their ways

Extroverted Sensors

Fixation: Action

You want for things to always happen around you. Extroverted Sensors tend to stir up events and speak out just for the sake of having something to do. You are full of energy and find it hard to sit still or be silent.

  • Attention seeking
  • Loud
  • Reckless

Extroverted iNtuitives

Fixation: Novelty

Highly speculative, always running over options. One foot in, and one foot outside, you find it hard to commit to any one thing. You can get distracted as you want to go everywhere or do everything at the same time. It can be hard for you to prioritise. You get bored quickly if nothing new happens and you may run if you start feeling stuck or too tied down.

  • Quick-footed
  • Versatile
  • Distracted

Introverted Feeling

Fixation: Harmony

You want to surround yourself with peaceful and safe things. The Introverted Feeling Type can be highly nostalgic and want to have a positive, reassuring atmosphere. You are very focused on protecting yourself and so you avoid criticism and conflict. At times, you may refuse to entertain negative thoughts or to admit to problems or issues because you prefer to focus on your fantasy.

  • Sensitive
  • Nostalgic
  • Self-absorbed

Introverted Thinking

Fixation: Perfection

It is important for you to do things correctly and so you can have an obsession with accuracy. You want to make sure that you live and abide by your standards and expectations.

  • Principled
  • Critical
  • Trust issues

Extroverted Thinking

Fixation: Strength

It is important for you to be stronger than other people and to be seen as more capable or successful. You want to be admired and respected by other people. You like to feel like a winner and to feel that you can overcome any obstacle. Sometimes you will create enemies just to be able to prove yourself and your own power.

  • Headstrong
  • Pushy
  • Competitive

Extroverted Feeling

Fixation: Connection

You want to like everyone and to feel connected to people around you. It is important for you that people open up about their needs and feelings to you. You need to feel that people can talk to you and that you are important to the people around you.

  • Generous
  • Friendly
  • Ethical

What is your strongest cognitive function? The cognitive functions are combinations of different personality traits that together form new or unique traits. You can learn about the cognitive functions here. This article dives into the cognitive functions as extreme subtypes. These subtypes emerge as fixations with something.


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