Home | Carl Jung : Stereotypes and unhealthy personas make people vote for repressive governments

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

Carl Jung : Stereotypes and unhealthy personas make people vote for repressive governments

Carl Jung believed that unhealthy personas and masks drive people to be more open to fascism. Is the stress and anxiety from not being able to live up to unhealthy social norms and practices driving us to become more open to fascism and dictators? Do unhealthy personas create dictators?
Hey! My name is Erik Thor and I recently started my own independent website exploring personality psychology, flow and neuroscience.
I practice a mix of jungian typology and Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Theory. I am strongly influenced by Neojungian Typology neojungiantypology.com. It’s typology, but based on neuroscience and psychology.


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