Home | 100 Things You Need To Know About ENFPs

Hey everyone, I’m Erik Thor, an expert on using personality psychology for flow and personal development.

100 Things You Need To Know About ENFPs

  1. ENFPs have a naturally flowing Extroverted iNtuition

Any type can have Extroverted iNtuition, but ENFPs have an Extroverted iNtuition that is always on. They don’t have to look for it- it’s always there.

2. ENFPs love expressing their identity

There is no more fun for an ENFP than when they can be themselves fully.

3. ENFPs take work seriously

ENFPs are actually quite industrious and put a lot of energy and effort into doing well at work and in what they do.

4. ENFPs often worry that they have missed something

ENFPs think. A lot. And because they have so many ideas and so many threads running at the same time, there can be a worry that you’ve overlooked something.

5. It takes real courage for an ENFP to look inside themselves

Many ENFPs spend a lot of time running from their thoughts, and it takes courage and bravery for an ENFP to stop and reflect on their situation and where they are headed.

6. ENFPs are moral perfectionists

ENFPs can get very heated on political matters and can often be moral perfectionists. They have strong views because of their 6th slot Extroverted Feeling.

7. Introverted Thinking is an ENFPs source of judgement

Despite being Feeling types, ENFPs primarily evaluate situations based on logical criteria and use Introverted Thinking to decide whether a course of action is correct or not.

8. Extroverted Sensing is an ENFPs source of wisdom

ENFPs primarily learn from experience and doing.

9. ENFPs are not extroverts in the true sense

More accurately, they tend to be omniverts – they can be both very introverted and also very extroverted. They’re extroverts that prefer to let other take initiative, or shy introverts that get energy from social interaction.

10. ENFPs are primarily intuitives

ENFPs primarily regard the world through iNtuition, meaning they are intellectuals, creatives, and cerebral idea types. They value learning over morality or ethics.

11. ENFPs are only secondarily Feeling types

Emotions are a secondary consideration to ENFPs, meaning they first look at things from a more detached, intellectual point of view, and then go into wondering if it was a good or bad thing.

12. ENFPs are the most perceiving of all perceivers

ENFPs have the most open minds of all perceiving types. They are also the most rebellious, and the most likely to resist authority.

13. ENFPs are explorers

The archetype that best fits the ENFP personality type is the explorer, navigator, adventurer. They track new ideas and possibilities and paint a map of possibilities for the rest of us to follow.

14. ENFPs are Innocent Explorers

ENFPs go into situations with open, pure eyes. They prefer to not have any idea about what is to come and to be able to experience something without a filter or previous beliefs or conceptions. Even if they have previous opinions, they like to shake those away and look at it from a fresh angle.

15. ENFPs are role model artists

ENFPs are often experts on art, culture and language, and often work as a compass or benchmark for what is beautiful, artistic. They enjoy finer, culturally refined experiences.

16. If ENFPs don’t know how to do something, they learn it

I’ve noticed that ENFPs don’t get stuck on tasks as easily, because they have a learning mentality. If they get stuck on a problem or don’t know the answer to something, they go and find it out.



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