Tag: Narcissist

  • How To Spot A Narcissist In 5 Steps Or Less

    How to spot a narcissist? The truth is, narcissists can be really tricky to spot. Most narcissists know how to make themselves sound good and how to make you feel bad. It’s easy to second-guess yourself around a narcissist. Have you ever found yourself going along with a narcissists games, thinking “Maybe I’m the one…

  • The ENTP Sociopath Stereotype

    Are ENTPs more prone to antisocial behaviour? No. Let’s break the stereotype. What is a sociopath? A sociopath is someone who idealises and takes pride in unethical behaviour or acting in ways that are manipulative, hurtful, antisocial, and malicious. The ENTP Personality Type The ENTP is a person that gets energy, passion, stability, and control…