Category: 16 Personalities

  • Two Reasons We’re Obsessed With The MBTI

    The MBTI can be a lot of fun! However, people are generally obsessed with MBTI tests because they want to fit in or feel unique. Let me explain using Abraham Maslow’s theory of personal development. Abraham Maslow’s Core Needs Maslow argued that we all share a set of core needs. For example: Transcendence needs Actualization…

  • Published on YouTube: 16 Traits Only INFPs Have

    16 Traits Only INFPs Have Here’s the full video – 16 traits only INFPs have! #infp #infps While others love to go out and party, you love to go inwards. My name is Erik Thor and I’ve been a dreamer all my life. In this channel, we talk about the inner world of dreams, journalling,…

  • How To Overcome Feelings of Inferiority

    For the INFP personality type, the more stress of extrovert thinking increases, the more intense the feeling of inferiority becomes. The more Introverted Feelings are used, the stronger the level of self-esteem. What makes an INFP feel inferior? Increased pressure to use Extroverted Thinking leads to a decreased feeling of self-esteem. How to increase your…

  • Some INFPs Are Made, Most Were Born That Way

    You were born with a particular genetic predisposition Introversion A complex set of genes, such as Sensitivity, need for alone time, and error sensitivity, might make you more inclined to introversion. Feeling They made you more inclined to optimism, and empathy. iNtuition They also made you more likely to engage in daydreaming and more likely…

  • How Much Your Personality Can Change

    Can your personality type change? Yes Studies show that changing careers, starting a new relationship, or moving to a new country can have a 15-25% impact on one’s personality. No Studies show that most people maintain the same personality, and significant changes are rare. The Nature vs Nurture debate is dead. Geneticists would often argue…

  • Published on YouTube: Top 20 INFP Careers

    Top 20 INFP Careers What would your ideal job be, INFP? #infp #infps #career While others love to go out and party, you love to go inwards. My name is Erik Thor and I’ve been a dreamer all my life. In this channel, we talk about the inner world of dreams, journalling, self-discovery, and creativity.…

  • Published on YouTube: 16 Traits ONLY INFPs Have

    16 Traits ONLY INFPs Have What personality trait do you have that no other personality type has? Let’s discuss that in today’s video. Get coaching to better understand yourself here: #infp #infps #16personalities While others love to go out and party, you love to go inwards. My name is Erik Thor and I’ve been…

  • The Intuitive Zone

    How can iNtuitives enter into a flow state? DOs: DONTs:

  • Published on YouTube: INFJ The Helping HERMIT Paradox

    INFJ The Helping HERMIT Paradox INFJs love to help people. But they prefer to do it alone. That’s a paradox. #infj #infjs Become a patron to get coaching, access to hidden videos, and publications: Learn more about the INFJ personality type and the INFJ 16 personalities type. What is an infj, infj how to…

  • Published on YouTube: How INFPs Stop Feeling Defective

    How INFPs Stop Feeling Defective INFPs and Enneagram 4s often carry feelings of Defectiveness, a schema in which they chronically doubt their own worth or rights. #infp #infps While others love to go out and party, you love to go inwards. My name is Erik Thor and I’ve been a dreamer all my life. In…