Tag: subtypes

  • INTP Subtypes

    Take the INTP Subtype Quiz 1. When faced with a problem, you: 2. In your free time, you prefer to: 3. When it comes to planning for the future, you: 4. Your approach to learning is: 5. When communicating with others, you: MOSTLY As. You’re most likely the Introverted iNtuitive, Philosopher subtype. MOSTLY Bs. You’re…

  • ENFJ Subtypes

    ENFJs can be grouped into four different subtypes or flow styles depending on personal preference and development within their personality type. This subtype can be understood by looking at your strongest or most easily noticed qualities The ENFJ Subtypes There are four subtypes for the ENFJ Personality Type. The Leader, The Follower, The Pleaser, and…

  • The Four ENTP Subtypes Explained

    As one of the 16 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality types, the ENTP is known for their quick thinking, analytical skills, and love of debate. However, like all personality types, ENTPs can exhibit different variations in their behavior and thought patterns. In fact, ENTPs can be grouped into four subtypes, each with their own flow…